Still wanna travel and buy houses!!!!!!!
Weapon of Choice
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I'm slowly gettin back into Gospel and have been listenin to talk radio and jazz when stressed, and KTU103.5, a dance station, when I need to get going or am feelin good. When it comes to cds, I usually listen first to the artist live if i can then buy, but... I'll listen to almost anybody, tho. Which cd I buy is another matter. I'm very very picky. I usually only buy someone's cd if they can perform their music well live.
I love 80's Comedies. Favs, btw, Shawshank Redemption; Down Periscope; Princess Bride (yah yah I know); The Last Dragon (LEROY!!!!!!); Action Jackson; early Eddie Murphy, Dan Akroyd, Richard Pryor and Steve Martin movies. Even some early Tom Hanks and John Candy movies.
I'm ALWAYS watchin HGTV, TLC, and A&E. I love all the house remodeling/selling shows. Also, the Food Network!
JESUS CHRIST, Parents, Brother and Sisters, and of course my Wife and Son!