I have to say, I truly feel I have been so very fortunate, in that I have had the opportunity to meet many of the people who have influenced me, my life and my music overall. Still, if we're gonna name some names, then let me begin with the obvious: I'd love to meet Elvis...again. And yes, he's alive so just drop it.James Otto - man oh man oh man. what you can do with a song! Kenny C - I am literally sitting on a song for you, man! It's just so ....you! Call me. wink wink ;-) Chuck Cannon, Skip Ewing, Whispering Bill. (hey! the man KNOWS how to write a song!)And pretty much anyone else who loves music on any level. I'm fairly partial to nice people, so keep that in mind, oki doki? Mean people just.....well, treat people mean and where's the fun in that, I ask?