I'm a gamer. Old School table top, for those who understand what that is. For those who are lost, I'm a roleplayer, second ed. AD&D started playing back in 89. Started playing the Palladium system my Senior year of High School; Rifts, Heroes. Played a little White Wolf in undergrad, mostly Vampire.I like to collect bladed weapons, mostly knives.Other than that, I like to have a good time with my friends.
As I said in the about me section, I'm really here just to stay in contact with my friends. But should the right person come upon my profile, and like what they see I might as well list a little bit of who I would like to meet.
Yes, the big question, who am I looking for? Well I'm looking for someone smart, if I can't talk with you about complex ideas, then I will not have much interest in you. I'm looking for someone who shares a similar like for the things I do. Weapons, vampires, Gothic style, history, sci-fi, mythology, fantasy.
Did I say smart already. Yes, someone who can spell and write better than me, but doesn't mind the way I spell and write. Because I do like to have people check anything I write before I send it out, be it for a job, for submitting it for publication.
A female gamer would be ideal, but I know how hard a single female gamer is to find.
Classic Rock- Pink Floyd, The Who, BOC
Don't have the space or time to list the over 100 DVDs I have, some are - Boondock Saints, Brotherhood of the Wolf, The Crow, Highlander, Holy Grail, Labyrinth, Love Actually, Spaceballs, Willow, Firefly, Serenity,
TV rots your brain.
Any of Terry Goodkind's The Sword of Truth.
Wizard's First Rule
Stone of Tears
Blood of the Fold
Temple of the Winds
Soul fo the Fire
Faith of the Fallen
The Pillars of Creation
Naked Empire
Debt of Bones
Also have gotten into reading some of Orson Scott Card's books, The Worthing Saga, Enders Game, Enders Shadow.
Are we talking personal heroes, or just heroes in general. Because for me I would have to say that my heroes are those of us who make it in this world doing what they want to be doing. So many people these days are just trying to get by and are not having fun doing it. But those who have decided what they want out of life and have given it there all to get it, those are my heroes.