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Name: douglas frazier heffron
Birthdate: 9/11/90
Birthplace: baltimore
Current Location: laurel
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: black
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 140
Piercings: i want my tounge but not yet
Tatoos: i will
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yep...i love her
Overused Phraze: no shit
Food: sushi
Candy: skittles
Number: 5
Color: green
Animal: snufalufagous
Drink: root beer
Alcohol Drink: anything
Bagel: dont give a shit
Letter: Q
Body Part on Opposite sex: i dont like flatbacks so i gotta go with the ass
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: mcdonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: waterberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice tea
Chocolate or Vanilla VANILLA
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: COFFEE
Kiss or Hug: ok it depends, if you are ugly i wont touch you. if you are decent looking, both.
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: PUNK BITCH
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: scary
Love or Money: love
Bedtime: whenever the fuck i wanna go to fuckin bed. why the fuck do you wanna know.
Most Missed Memory: not knowing my most missed memory
Best phyiscal feature: you tell me
First Thought Waking Up: fuck
Goal for this year: pass
Best Friends: alex, cody, kelsey
Weakness: pudding skin
Fears: the guy on the oatmeal box
Heritage: scottish and a little bit of ninja.
Longest relationship: melissa =D.
Ever Drank: yup
Ever Smoked: nope
Pot: nope
Ever been Drunk: somewhat
Ever been beaten up: nope
Ever beaten someone up: kinda
Ever Shoplifted: yup
Ever Skinny Dipped: want to
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yup who the fuck hasnt
Been Dumped Lately: yup..but we fixed things
Favorite Eye Color: hazel
Favorite Hair Color: black
Short or Long: long
Height: shorter than me
Style: whatever they want to be
Looks or Personality: personality, but if your like a fuckin beached whale, fuck off
Hot or Cute cute
Drugs and Alcohol: i like a party girl but no ex
Muscular or Really Skinny: in the middle. i dont want a fuckin twig nor do i want a fucking strong ass miss fuckin universe
Number of Regrets in the Past: i regret not having regrets
What country do you want to Visit: GERMANY
How do you want to Die: no.
Been to the Mall Lately: yea, if laurel mall counts
Do you like Thunderstorms: hell yea
Get along with your Parents: fuck no
Health Freak: bring on the bacon
Do you think your Attractive: no
Believe in Yourself: sometimes
Want to go to College: yea
Do you Smoke: alright how many fuckin times are you gonna ask that. NO!!!!!
Do you Drink: not all the time but i have
Shower Daily: ummmmmmmmm
Been in Love: i love melissa rose
Do you Sing: yea but i dont think im good
Want to get Married: yea
Do you want Children: yay more satan spawn
Have your future kids names planned out: no, wait, ummm, alfred and george or hilda
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: ...well ya see..
Hate anyone: im down to ..6 on my assassination plan
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.netThere is no stop, drop, and roll in hell