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•I am a happy guy put, sad, satisfied and unsatisfied, sweet and bitter, I become friends and enemy, calm and explosive, censate and incensate, understanding and ignorant; Two personalities?I think I live high and low. Only the "fools" have total conviction of what say or they do!•I possess many friends, be them close, far away or even in the spiritual plan. You doesn't matter. As the world to discover that the well more precious in the life it is the FRIENDSHIP, there won't be more wars or useless disputes.•Yes I am an icognite. Don't try to only understand to live together, hehe = D•I was already born with the formed opinion am convinced. Therefore I am the "FOOL" there of top.•I am closed to strange people. I am a little eccentric, you knows!You only have to accustom to live with me, nothing else.•Put, only one: I try to be above to be healthy and safe of me same and I try to pass that positive energy to the other ones;•Swims happened never certain or right worked in my life. Once they told me that God didn't want me to exist, and sometimes I believe in that.•Everything on me as person, human being comes from my personality, then the shit that does of me a retarded one or the shit that do of me somebody difficult to work, they are at the same time, what makes my success.•I particularly love my life. The main of that history all is that, if it went everything to finish today there at least me to I have been recording them in mind. I won't write them here, for you and nor I will count to nobody that wants hear them.•I never went a right and yes a mad, Serious!!!When I was newer I was really determined for "Holyshit" in to fight and to destroy things. Somebody would look crossed for me and me went, type to begin a beating.•No nowadays I don't need psychologist, psychoanalyst nor of none shit.•With me it is really a relationship of blood, perspiration and tears. All of us have great moments in the life, be good or bad;•I admit that I don't know more the than the people wait of me. They seem to be waiting for seeing what I will do soon afterwards. I feel as if it was inside of a circus acting all the damned days;•Why nobody has a life with 24 hours of sex and happiness?• I dislike to write. But sometimes I find legal to write and in other I hate, because it is definitively to have to return behind, to try the pain and to express like you really if you sits down on that everything;-------------------------------------------------
•Stop copying my Profile "Fuck." I got tired of being changing that shit...They will DEFECATE and take pen and paper and squeeze Muterfuck of the mind for seeing if you leaves some STUPID idea to put in that Shhhhit!
•HolyShit!!! Like me I did become important?!•UH, Cool !The profile was enormous...Good for the courageous (the) ones that arrived here and they didn't understand anything,You doesn't do badly!Most of the time nor I understand each other!I am an UNDECIPHERABLE being, type codified in 64 Bits.•The Justice will cover the earth as the water collects the sea.I don't want the success, the success doesn't tell me anything.A lot of people have success, but they live as died.•FRIENDSHIP, LOYALTY AND TRUST. GOD above all!
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