To those people who stiLL don't know me, weLL I'm as normal as everyone else. I have fLaws. I have irrational feelings at times. I can aLso be unreasonabLe. I am bit indecisive.Moody. And I have insecurities too. Uhm! mababaw! masarap kachika at madalas mapatawa. I really appreciate little things and gifts. So, please dont judge me, I maybe Look snobish,mataray or so called suplada but im not. I cant please everbody naman!. "Treat others the way you would wish them to treat you"The biggest frustation or regret I made when was I committed several mistakes in my life. I guess its part of the learning process. There have been so many instances wherein I Lost the battle but I make it a point to win the Lesson. I try not to regret anything, because in the first place it has been my choice that had led me to that situation and thougth it did'nt turn out as good as i expected it to be, I know theres a reason for its occurence and GOD is making me learn something from it. "We can never be perfect but we never stop trying to be perfect" : )I valued most, FIRST, the LIFE that was lent to me. This Life is not mine. GOD gave this to me or rather Lent it to me. I am grateful that He choose to give life to my souL because He wants me to accomplish and fuLfiLL my purpose, the purpose why He lent me this Life. I treasure this most because my Life is my license, my access why I am/was able to do every single thing I do and did and wiLL do. Without it, I would simple be incapabLe of everything. SECOND, my FAMILY. coz they've been always there for me through thick & thin. FINALLY, my friends.,my KADAS, whew! I love my TROPAS soo soo much. I love you guyz. mwuahahahah!!!.I want to achieve more peace of mind at all times, in any circumstances. Happiness in everything that i have..Send my pics and video to your cell phone!
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