Diana profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Born and raised in lovely Dorchester, MA. Went to St. Marks, MRM and Mass College of Art. Class of 85 from St. Marks, Class of 89 out of MRM and flunky out of Mass Art. Here just in case some old classmates are out there looking for me. Hello if you are and drop me a line!
Aside from all that, I am still an artist in my own fashion despite dropping out of art school. I design tattoos for friends, paint, draw & quilt (which I love so now I know for a fact I am old).
I love to run, ride my excellent horse, dance (in my kitchen or whenever the opportunity presents itself), watch (Patriots) football, cook, have friends over, build a fire, make people laugh, listen to music.
I tend to over book my social calendar and as a result will answer to the well earned nickname "Goodtime Charlie".
More useless info about me:
I think "fuck" is a perfectly good pause-filler between thoughts and words. And yes, I realize I swear too much.
I love my family despite our many, many flaws (my own included).
I actually enjoy my job (web development), eventhough most of the time "work" drives me crazy.

My Interests

Horses, music, running, cooking, travel, quilting, painting, a frosty glass of IPA, the usual shit.

I'd like to meet:

Paul Westerberg, David Bowie, Neko Case??Honeslty, nobody really. I get star-struck and cannot approach, let alone have a meaningful conversation with a person I admire at that level.


Neko Case, Cheap Trick, Snow Patrol, Chris Isaak, Duran Duran, The Replacements, Rilo Kiley, Peter Gabriel, The Killers, Mistle Thrush, NWA, The Fratellis, Rock City Crime Wave, etc, etc.


Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Empire of the Sun, LOTR Trilogy, Independence Day, Jaws, Bladerunner, Better Off Dead, Dirty Dancing, Howl's Moving Castle, Young Frankenstien, Grosse Pointe Blank, Contact, Office Space, 40 Year Old Virgin, Oh Brother Where Art Thou?, etc, etc.


Lost, Food Network, Patriots football, X-Files reruns, standup comedy, Monty Python, Kids in the Hall, The Whitest Kids U Know.


Lord of the Rings, Life of Pi, A Horse Like Mr. Ragman, crap romance novels when I'm in a mood. Shit I need to read more.


My dad, my brother, my husband, folks in armed service, teachers, Batman?

My Blog

my old-ass blog

Posted by Diana on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 10:33:00 PST