We're really sorry that our recording has been taking so long. It's just that school gets in the way, and we live far from each other, so it's ridiculously hard to set up and actually get down to business. We're as pissed off about it as you are [if you like us that much hah]. And we apologize for not keeping you as updated as we should. It's either 10 hours of homework, or myspace. [Myspace of course, but you know what I mean...]. We'll try our hardest to make things better, and thank you so much for being great fans. = )
We also just rescently created a youtube account for our stuff, so you should go check us out there and send our videos to your friends and whatnot!
Love, Kristina and Megan
And it would be bloody sick if you told people about us. We would love to share our music to many more people [not that you're not enough = P].
Love you guys, and thanks so much.
We're The Not-So Radicals. Add us!
And if you supported some of our favorite people in the world, that'd be pretty sweet.