About Me
Shell Shocked Apparel (SSA) is a underground clothing manufacture that designs and makes one of a kind clothes. Shirts, hoodies, belts, pants, and/or anything else you want, we can make or customize.
SSA is owned, and operated by Kyle Kuzminski and Christopher Clark, all clothes are made by Kyle and Chris, and all profits are split 50/50 between us. We are basicly two guys who dont want a real job, we want something fun, creative, and flexible, clothing was our answer.
SSA is commited to the underground, we hope to be lauching our product over ebay by October.
Pictures of out clothes and designs will be posted often, so check back here so often.
We will keep you informed of when our product hits ebay. Better shit is on its way, so no worries!..
My Blog
Shell Shocked Apparel |
Shell Shocked Apparel (SSA) is a underground clothing manufacture that designs and makes one of a kind clothes. Shirts, hoodies, belts, pants, and/or anything else you want, we can make or customize.S... Posted by on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:56:00 GMT |