THANK YOU MEMPHIS for voting Shea Flinn Memphis City Council District 9, Position 2
Contact Information:
125 N. Main, Room 514
Memphis, TN 38103
(901) 576-6786
[email protected]
Councilman George Shea Flinn, III was elected to the Memphis City Council in November 2007. Shea is a lifelong Memphian and graduated from Rhodes College and the University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphrey's School of Law. Mr. Flinn is the general counsel for Flinn Broadcasting.
Shea is active in civic and community affairs and was a candidate for the Tennessee State Legislature House District 96 seat. In 2006 he was chosen by the Shelby County Commission to serve in an interim capacity for the State Senate District 30 seat. Mr. Flinn founded and organized Citizens Against Crime, a grassroots organization united in its effort to fight against crime. The group lobbied local elected officials for more stringent crime-fighting initiatives and traveled in mass to the State Capitol to express their support of an $87 million anti-crime package.
Mr. Flinn and his wife Amy have one son and attend Idlewild Presbyterian Church.
Memphis Educational Association
Memphis Police Association
Labor Council
Real Results on Crime
Provide more resources to get more cops on the streets Support neighborhood watch and Citizens Against Crime Support tougher legislation to keep repeat offenders behind bars
Real Results on Education
Work with education leaders to get more resources Empower our teachers and principals in deciding what is best for our kids Supports changes to our curriculum to teach our students skills necessart to compete for higher paying jobs
Real Results in Moving Memphis Forward
Will work for equal access to our government for all citizens Will eliminate waste and demand resources go to services needed Will support strong ethical behavior of all city officials