www.jovanprice.com profile picture


My Baby Love

About Me


NOTE***** I do not spam anyone on hereso please don't spam me!!!
Okay, now that is out of theway;I am pretty laid back, eclectic, deep, humble, funny, silly,crazy/sexy/cool and interesting once you get to know me. Someone oncetold me I am a renaissance woman (that made me feel special ;) and Ihave a heart of gold. I do not drink, smoke (anything) or dabble in any illegaldrugs and or activity. Jesus is grounding me and growing my faithabunduntly to follow his word and be his word. 0.7 is definitely the definingyear of my life and my identity.
I was taught to love others even though they don't deserve it and you knowwhat, it feels good to love them regardless of their feelings towards me.Through the years I have learned that what I have inside is more preciousthan anything that is outside. Those who truly love you will stick by yourside and those who don't; run. I still got love for everyone I have come incontact with inside and out.
Fellas unfortunately, I am not on myspace to date or meet anyone for thatpurpose, I am quite content in my current situation. I do however; appreciatethe lovely comments left on my page.
Contrary to popular belief, modeling is not my life, not even a fraction (LOL)
I am the type of person who likes to build awareness by enlightening othersof the political, social and ethical issues that plague us today. I am mostknown for "little tidbits" of information not privy to most in the nation. I alsolike to have fun and meet new people. Please do not contact me about anynude castings!! Note***** If I do not respond to your note, it is not because Iam being rude; I have over 200 pages of notes and with all the friends, it ishard to keep up. Thanks and God Bless
Here is one of my banners to download on your site.
Here is a link to my blogspot. I have quite a few blogs up. It may be a littledepressing to some because I am going through it and the hormones are out of control. I thank God for the blessings.
Please see the castings I receive from various sources all over the US. Iwant everyone to get the same opportunities available to me. I don't ask foranything in return, but I thought as one good deed to another if you justperform a random act of kindness to a total stranger and pay itforward that is good enough for me. Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Photo's of My Birthday Paintball Extravaganza (May 07)
Here is some of the pictures from white river rafting. (May 07) Enjoy, Idid!!!
April Bowling Pics with the homies!

My Interests

This is my wish list :) Angel Leilani Wish List

Here are some cool modeling/acting websites for jobs.

Jobs for Plus Size Models


http://www.modelplace.com/ http://www.modelmayhem.com/ http://www.onemodelplace.com/ http://www.musecube.com http://www.talentsource.com http://www.net-model.comand if you're a teen:http://www.teen-portfolios.com

This is a good website to check to make sure a modeling agency or any other company has complaints about them or if you would like to vent.
Rip Off Report

Please go onto this site if you believe you have been a victim of an internet crime or fraud. It is a partnership with the FBI & the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) to find internet scam artists. IC3

Helpful hints to how models can protect themselves from being ripped-off by internet advertisers claiming to be agents or photographers.This can be a touchy subject because if a model becomes too much of a pest then a agent might not want to bother. Just explain to them that you've been ripped off in the past and you simply want to protect yourself from that in the future and you would like just 3 minutes of their time to ask a few questions. Any real agent shouldn't have much of a problem providing you with the basic general information.1. Get the name of the owner, the address of the business and the phone number. Call the BBB in that area (search google for the phone number) or look them up on the BBB's website to see if there has been any complaints and verify they're a real business.
2. Search google with the owner's name, the company's name and the address to see if you get postings from angry customers or clients
3. If the owner or anyone working at the company asks you to call them on a different number than their business number do a search of that number.
4. Ask questions like how long have they been in business? How many models work for them? How many models did they place into jobs last month? etc
5. Ask for contact information for references of companies they've worked with or models that work for them. Call the references and ask questions.
6. Be wary of any "schools" that claim they'll "teach you" how to model, act, etc. If you really need to learn how to put make-up on and smile and have the money to spend that's great, but don't expect them to actually find you any work. Also their low price might become very expensive very fast by asking that you purchase make-up, pay extra for a photographer, pay for comp cards, flyers, entrance fees into various fashion or model shows (which are likely free), etc. I had this problem with Barbizon several years ago, fortunately a relative thought I was model material and paid for everything because I would have never gone myself and now I know I could have done everything for free.
7. NEVER GO TO PHOTO SHOOTS OR PROMOTIONS ALONE, especially if it's not in a public place or if you're the only model for the assignment.
Some good & interesting Websites:
Abolish the "N" Word

Zillow (Real Estate)

I'd like to meet:

People who are about business and have their head on straight. Everthing else is irrelevant.


This is the flyest Graphic Designer!!! Click on the banner to see her work and get a rate quote.


Recently (2006), there has been more discussion about Flight 93 and I understand that a movie is being released about the tragedy. This is the black pilot that flew the plane that went down in Pennsylvania. They never gave him tribute. They always talked about every one else. On September 11, 2001, LeRoy was flying with Captain Jason Dahl on United Flight 93. Based on information from several sources that day, we know LeRoy and Jason were the first to fight against the terrorist threat to the airplane. LeRoy has received many awards and citations posthumously, for his actions on Flight 93, including the Congress Of Racial Equality - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Award, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference - Drum Major for Justice Award and the Westchester County Trailblazer Award. In Honor and Memory of Leroy Homer


The Boondocks, CSI


THE BIBLE, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

MISDIRECTION... What the eyes see, the ears hear, the mind believes.What are you feeding your mind? Jesus 24/7 Faith without action is dead.


Jesus, Mommy, Daddy

My Blog

Abolish the N Word

Some good & interesting Websites:Abolish the "N" Word Zillow (Real Estate)...
Posted by www.jovanprice.com on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 11:58:00 PST

Modeling Websites

Here are some cool modeling/acting websites for jobs. http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LnBsdXMtc2l6ZS1tb2R lbGluZy1ndWlkZS5jb20vcGx1cy1zaXplLW1vZGVsaW5nLWpvYnMuaHRtbA ==" target="_blank"> Jobs...
Posted by www.jovanprice.com on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 11:54:00 PST

Castings - Music Videos and such....

Project Name: Diddy Project Type: Music Video Product Name: "Diddy Rock" Rate: $1000 MAIL PHOTOS : Melissa Feliciano 1020 Studios 1020 N. Sycamore Avenue Los Angeles CA 90038 Project Notes: Trying to ...
Posted by www.jovanprice.com on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 08:13:00 PST

Casting for Dreamgirls (Seattle Area High School Students)

WHO: 41 roles and 8 stagecraft hands are needed to star in DREAMGIRLS, 2007WHERE: Those attending or entering Cleveland, South Lake, Interagency Academy and Rainier Beach High Schools, 2007. We will a...
Posted by www.jovanprice.com on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 11:13:00 PST

Play Mate or Soul Mate????

In our quest for happiness we must be sure that we don't settle for a        Playmate when God has a Soulmate waiting for us.       &nb...
Posted by www.jovanprice.com on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 08:12:00 PST

Casting Miami ~ Men & Women

Posted by www.jovanprice.com on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 07:57:00 PST

Seattle, WA High school casting for Dreamgirls

..  are casting for DREAMGIRLS.   .. WHO: 41 roles and 8 stagecraft hands are needed to star in DREAMGIRLS, 2007 WHERE: Those attending or entering Cleveland, South Lake, Interagen...
Posted by www.jovanprice.com on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 10:19:00 PST

Myspace Bloggers, the Seattle P-I want's you!

The P-I Wants You! If you're into MySpace, Facebook and the Internet in general, the P-I wants you!We're looking for a few good bloggers with an interest in the Internet, especially Web 2.0.If you're...
Posted by www.jovanprice.com on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 09:07:00 PST

Casting for Seattle Area Athletes

LOCAL FAST FOOD MEXICAN RESTAURANT TV/ LOCAL Non-Union, shot on HD so no SAG/AFTRA actors, please (unless core)   AUDITION:  Friday, April 6th CALLBACK Monday, April  9th  at anot...
Posted by www.jovanprice.com on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 09:33:00 PST

Seattle/FL Casting

Nationwide,DANCERS WANTED for CRUISE SHIP! What a lifestyle!,M/ F Casting cruise ship positions. Emmitt Murphy, casting. Ongoing contract runs six months. Seeking-Dancers: male and female, ballroom fu...
Posted by www.jovanprice.com on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 09:40:00 PST