Artistic Creations
Are you a drawer or simply do you like to draw?
I would like to make my characters become
a story, write me if interested!
We could make a collaboration!
m aybe a
c reative
p erson..
f undamentally a
b allsbreaker..
Studies I made.. Laurea!
Lettere e Filosofia di Arezzo curriculum Dams, Classe 23 - Lauree in Scienze e tecnologie delle arti figurative, della musica, dello spettacolo e della moda
Colour..black, pink, fuxia
Best Quotez..'Be Yourself', 'it sucks!'
She Said:i may appear complicated because I look for
simple things and trueness,
authentic people who are just themselves.
I love to be creative.
such a great movie.. the secret garden
director of some great horror movies
Labirynth.. another cult movie for me
Justin Bartha Website
[National Treasure]
personal pics
scrivimi x info! write me for info about my creations =)
italian http://www.flickr.com/ilgiardinosegreto
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