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.....based in Santa Rosa, California, floor records solo as a project full of harsh, dense walls and bursts of sound - as well as altered, effected, and manipulated feedback (and sometimes other such things...) - a whole lot of sound for a one-man project! having released a few EPs under the name "operation" (project name changed to floor in '07) and comp songs for experimental label samsa records, floor (again as "operation") released his first album, "louis", in early 2005. you can expect much more noise in the immediate future!floor (Jared Butler) is also 1/2 of the experimental/noise duo darph/nadeR ( www.darphnader.net ), 1/5th of the noise supergroup Shrew Florist ( www.shrewflorist.com ), 1/4th of the noise rock band Drinking Coffee From Counselor Troi's Head ( www.brrecords.com/troi.htm ), and MORE!!!!!.........I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4