My album Tunes Vol. 1 is free to download from You'll also find some newer tunes here that aren't on the album. Have a listen.
The CD of the album is sold out but, if you're up for supporting me in my music making, you can buy a tune or two from iTunes by clicking on this button
Or, you can get four of the tracks from the 7digital indiestore...
The fantastic drawings are by my good chum Nulsh. You can see lots more of his stuff at
I've been making films of the sky here in West Wales - here's one that includes my tune Papa's Goat. Don't forget to pause whatever is playing already before you click on the video, otherwise you'll have two tunes playing at the same time which, as a general rule, may not sound too great.
Papa's Goat
...and here's another one for a new tune called Again.
As I said, have a look at my top friends Cairndhuna (full album now on and iTunes) and Metropak (all the singles now on iTunes) for other music I've been part of.