GERY OTIS profile picture


About Me

Layout by CoolChaser Gery Otis nasce a napoli nel 1979. Da sempre maniaco della musica elettronica,all'eta di 14 anni inizia a frequentare i club della sua citta' e grazie al suo carattere curioso e alla voglia di imparare,conosce molte realta' e stili di musica e riconosce il proprio,originale e deciso.Dopo anni d esperienza trascorsi tra dijing e studio,nel 2008 realizza il suo primo lavoro discografico su MINITEC,etichetta di Uto Karem e alla fine dello stesso anno conosce uno dei piu' importanti dj producer Sasha Carassi proprietario di Globox Recordings che crede in lui e lo supporta dando il via alle prossime releases di Gery su Structure,Capsula e Underscore.Gery Otis persevera nella sua piu' grande passione con l'umilta' di volere imparare ancora tanto................................... Gery otis was born in Naples in 1979 always been crazy for electronic music,at the age of 14 years starts to attend the clubs of his city and thanks to his curious nature and desire to learn, Gery knows a lot of reality and styles of music and recognizes its own, original and decided.After years of experiences,spent between dijing and study,in 2008 he releases his first discographic work, on MINITEC, Uto Karem's label and at the end of the same year he knows one of the most important dj & producer Sasha Carassi,owner of Globox Recordings that believes and support him proposing the next releases of Gery on Structure, Capsula and Underscore Recordings.Gery Otis perseveres in his most great passion with humility to want learn much releases:........ MINITEC series 001 v.a................. STRUCTURE 010 The Italian Job v.a....... CAPSULA dgt 004 Architectonic Items Ep.......... UNDERSCORE 005 v.a..........................

My Interests


Member Since: 9/10/2007
Band Website: OTIS
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Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

RMX for (MINICOOLBOYZ) on structure rec...coming soon

Posted by on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 04:30:00 GMT

CAPSULA rec._digital.....out now

Posted by on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 01:53:00 GMT

UNDERSCORE rec....out soon...

Posted by on Wed, 01 Apr 2009 03:27:00 GMT

STRUCTURE rec. 010.... OUT NOW

Posted by on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 00:59:00 GMT