I'm gonna tell you something Hoss, there are only a few things you need to understand about me and there are only a few like my self who can understand 'em. So if you wanna know me which apparently YOU fucking DO otherwise there wouldn't be THREE FUCKING SECTIONS ASKING ABOUT ME!!!! If you wanna get me, then you only have to understand these following three lessons, a plan which I live my life by and which any failure of social ambitions can understand... THAT'S RIGHT EVEN YOU!!!Lesson..1The human subject as processed through a vehicle must first be turned into an image by means of it's own serial logic, thus there is no independantly real person. He Or She IS THAT IMAGE!!!Lesson..2The attitude of refusing to be spoken to by seizing the right to speak, challenges the institutional prefaces of the re-evaluation of the human sciences. Thus fearing to aggravate the argument!!!Lesson..3The effort to escape the mapping of form and beauty is a representation of exercised ghostsby way of fluid disability of boundaries eroded by direct participation in a work of art is in fact a substitute for the revolution!!!Are you with me??? Well if you aren't then you can just fuck off...
Well I sure as hell don't wanna meet you!!! AND I CAN FUCKING GUARANTEE YOU DON'T WANNA MEET ME!!! You meet me, chances are you're destined to go the way of "BANJO & SULLIVAN"!!!
Well lemme guess, you all think I'm some true blue country fucker just cuz I live 'round Texas and listen to Skynird and sport the Confederate flag, ISN'T THAT RIGHT??? Well you'd better cancel that shit boy, I listen to anything that goes well with the screaming. Yeah you know I remember when me, my sis, and that Old bitch hog Spaulding jacked that "Banjo & Sullivan" van, that was some interesting shit. Wanna be city ASSHOLES!!! But these days you poor MAGGOTS have forgotten How To MAKE MUSIC!!! Oh yeah, this guy... He's a good guy. And what's those other assholes names? Some Kinda Brothers? Oh Yeah The Allman Brothers...
Yeah every once and awhile I catch some Horror shows, lotta times just that Doctor Wolfenstein's horror theater on public access. You know I'd love to go to one of them FANCY multiplexes like all you other little SHITS but I... oh wait, why don't I go? Oh that's right I'M A FUCKING KILLER!!!
FUCK THE TV!!! Listen up You Malibu Middle Class BARBIE PIECE OF SHIT!!! I ACTUALLY WORK!!! WORK?!?! You Ever Work? Yeah I bet you have, scooping ice cream for all your little shit heel friends on summer break. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK TO MAKE FISHBOY YOU NUTSACK??? But I can't say I don't sit in front of the idiot box every once and a while. I like to watch the news, yeheheah it always kinda makes my day watching those Jimmy Olsen fuckers follow the fuckin' pigs around while they got their heads up their asses!!! HAHAHA!!! Yeah, good shit. Of course that's when that old BASTARD HUGO ISN'T HOGGIN' THE FUCKING THING WATCHING THE MUNSTERS!!!!
Whatever I need to read, I ALREADY WROTE IT MYSELF!!! But honestly, the truth is that knowledge is power so therefore I AM MORE POWERFUL THAN EVERY ONE OF YOU Assholes!!!!!!
Look!!! You're talkin' to a guy who stabbed his own Dad to death and the only father figure I do have I wanna kick his ass!!! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I'VE GOT ANY FUCKING HEROES!?!?! But I suppose I look up to myself at times. Of ourse this guy? Now he's different...