reading, writing, chillin w/friends, educating myself/learning new things
Sun Sign: Pisces
Sun 16° Pisces 39' Pisces Horoscope
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Moon Sign: Virgo
Moon 19° Virgo 17' Virgo Horoscope
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Rising Sign: Scorpio
Ascendant 20° Scorpio 23' Scorpio Horoscope
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ok. so at this point in my life, i'm lacking a challenge in the individuals i meet. they are nice people don't get me wrong. but they are boring people. nobody as kept my interest for more than a month in over a year. what is this, huh? have all the intellectual minds been brainwashed and hung out to dry in sub-urbian bliss? not that there's anything wrong with suburbia or bliss, but that should not prevent people from forming an intellectual thought for themselves! so what i'm looking for is somebody who can hold my interest by being interest-ING, following me so far? i want to be able to learn from them, not be the teacher in every conversation like i have been for the past year (with the exception of a few friends, of course).I'd like to meet anyone who thinks THIS BIG....:
Adam Sandler movies, Farenheit 9/11, Rent, The Breakfast Club, Fight Club, Terrorstorm, The Lion King, ... i'm getting sick of listing movies. go there and be educated.
The L Word, Still Standing, Family Guy, The Simpsons
What the Bleep Do We Know?, Wicked, The Alchemist, Schopenhaur, Brave New World, Walden, The Mastery of Love
My gramma, my former anatomy instructor Rachel, and my lovely friends that I all but idolize :)RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT! No preemptive wars, no Federal Reserve, no income tax, no police state, no drug war. Just American liberty and the Constitution, in the tradition of the framers.