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Fun aint wat u do its who u do it with

This is Me Accept it

About Me

I'm a 6'1 football player who like to drink party an lift weights. Im a laidback type of guy who not afraid to take risks or do wild things. I am brazilian, italian, and black(jus a lil bit of black) so u kno i dont discriminate and all my friends will tell u that im usually a funny laid back guy found this guys layout at HOT

My Interests

Marco's survey
answer and return
Favorite food rice beans an chicken
favrite sport football
favorite sports team rams
favorite position (u pic wat its refrenced to) reach around
wat do u look for in the oppisite sex lets face it looks is ..1
how many times a week do u get laid i dont kiss and tell
which is tru motion of the ocean or size of the boat both size dont matter if u cant work it and if they cant fell it then its no good
which is better hard and fast or slow and sexy most like it hard but (she knows who she is likes it slow)
how do u feel about the creator of this survey i think hes a fuckin nappy headed scumbag
is he cute? sumtimes
would u do him? tell him to ask me

what part of my body makes you go ohhh
my lips
my eyes
my hair
my chest
my legs
(for those who have seen it) my di**
somethin else (message me to let me kno wat else)
all of the above

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I'd like to meet:

angelina joulee

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Im an all around listener but i prefer reageton


Jennifer Lopez News caster blooper say Blow Job for JLo segment

best Jennifer Lopez vidoes and stories at : My favorite movie is bloodsports but i also liked starwars an of course the 3 american pies, old school and wedding crashers
The Ultimate SEX Survey by game_gurl69
Do you like it rough or sensual?: depends on the mood
Do you prefer to be with the opposite sex or the same sex? or both?: opposite
How often do you like to have sex?: as often as possible
Is sex a top priority for you?: no
Do you have sex face to face with your partner?: depends on who is my partner
How often do you get drunk and have wild, crazy sexy with a complete stranger?: not too often
How do you feel about one night stands?: they happen
How many one night stands have you had?: hahaha
What's your favorite position?: reach around
Where's your favorite place to have sex?: anywhere new an exciting
Do you prefer to make love or f*uck?: depends on who im doin it with
Have you ever watched porn while having sex?: no
How long do you usually fore-play b4 doing the deed?: til the grl cums
Do you get off first or do they?: they do
Do you like kissing during sex?: yes
Do you moan? If so, are you loud or quite?: yea i moan no im not loud
Do you prefer your partner to be loud or quite?: in between
Does size matter (for girlz-- dicks/for guyz-- boobs)?: nah as long as she got the bunz
How old were you when you lost your virginity?: 13
How many sexual partners have you have in the last month?: 3
What does your favorite fore-play include?: me inbetween them thighs if the grl aint dirty an i like her
Do you ever play with yourself during the act?: no
Do you prefer to sleep with randoms or one person?: one person
Have you ever done anal? If so, did you like it?: yes, yea that shit was tight
When and where was your wildest sex ever?: hmmmm...... 16th street park in the daytime
What's your ultimate sexual fantasy?: to get awoken by a grl given me oral
Have you ever done porn?: home made?
Have you ever have sex for money?: no
Have you ever bribed someone to sleep with you?: no
Is the sex still good when your cheating?: sex is always good
During sex... what are you thinking about?: how good it feels.. an wat position i want to move to next
Do you prefer the top or the bottom at first?: top
How many positions do you like to do during one episode?: never counted
Do you ever worry about how your pleasing your partner?: yea
Could you live without sex?: no
How often do you find sex boring?: lol every once in a while
How long does a typical sexual episode last for you?: 45 min... unless im drunk
Do you like to perform oral sex?: yes
Do you like to recieve oral sex?: yes
Have you ever taped yourself in the act?: yes
Have you ever had a 3-some? 4-some? 5-some?: 3 some
Have you ever had interracial sex?: yes
Have you ever been caught in the act? If so, by whom?: yes mom 4 times
Have you ever had sex while at work?: yes
Have you ever had sex while at school?: yes
What is something that you would never consider doing?: a guy lol
Have you ever had sex on drugs?: alchohol
Would you ever have sex in public?: i have already
What's your biggest turn on?: a pretty grl who is also smart
Do you spit or swallow?: um i guess i swallow cuchy juice
How many times have you gotten off in one night?: lol 9
Would you let other people watch you have sex live?: its happened before
Have you have ever sex in front of your best friend?: yes he was asleep
Have you ever had sex with your best friend's b/f or g/f?: no
Do you ever have sex in the shower?: yes mad fun
What's the weirdest place you've ever done it?: my shed
What was the biggest age difference with a partner?: 7 years
Do you feel your up to par in bed?: i guess
Are you still gonna have sex when your 70?: hell yea
What was your most embarrassing sexual moments?: throwin up durin sex down seaside
How old is "too young" to have sex your in opinion?: 17
Do you like to be completely naked or half-assed?: birthday suite
Have you ever done it at your grandparent's?: nah
Have you ever done it on a boat/yacht?: yes
What's the most public place that you can think of that you've had sex at?: the park
Do you like having sex in cars? If so, driver seat, passenger, or back?: yes all three
Do you were protection as often as you should?: hell yea
Has any of your one night stands resulted in a child that you know of?: nope
If your over 18, have you ever had sex with someone under 18?: yes
Do you prefer to sleep with someone older or younger than you?: older
What's the perfect size? (for girlz-- inches in dicks/for guyz-- cup size)?: c
Have you ever done bondage sex (chains,whips,etc.)? If not, would you?: yes
Have you ever slept with someone out of pity?: no
Can you remember who gave you the best sex of your life?: yes
If you could sleep with ANYONE, would would it be?: angelina jiolee
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i have two heroes one for his strength an one for his personality u decide which one fits which description : superman-goofy