Vulcid profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hay matt here if u don't already kno i hate my name its to damn common but im 18 and have OCD and ADHD and if i don't laugh once every 10 min or so a piece of my soul dies. if some reason u haven't noticed u must be blind or just not give a shit probably the latter haha well only listen to music that includes a guitar drums and bass if it doesn't its not music that is unless u replace those w/ other stuff and make it sound like it idk if u don't kno what im talkin about think apocoliptica. UFC is the greatest sport ever but thats cuz im more aggressive than i need to be and have a tendency to love watching ppl fight idk. i can't stand awkward silences they drive me crazy and r usually welcomed w/ the sentence "how bout them patriots?" well idk why im even writing this but i was bored and SOME ppl thought my profile wasn't big enough so idk why i did this....why r u still readin? seriously i'm rambling stop reading me wtf is wrong w/ u? ... ... ... creeper.... yeah im talkin to u! freakin readin my page wtf its not like i write this shit so ppl can actually read it!! i mean common!!!

My Blog

For all you "Literal" Christians out there

Ok seriously....common haha ok there are so many things wrong with thinking that way i don't kno where to start. ok well heres an idea lets start with the beginning ok creationism 1) Creationism the "...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 16:01:00 GMT

Matt’s Poetry

Im sure it will be just as touching to u as it was to me :)The sky was dark,The moon was high,All alone just she and I.Her hair was soft,Her eyes were blue,I knew just whatShe wanted to do.Her skin so...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 00:15:00 GMT

The Perfect Moment

This is a reply to kacy way back like a month and somehow we got on the subject and she thought it was nice so i figured id post it.       hummmm "the thought that u neve...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 12:14:00 GMT

This is what i think about when i zone out.......

If the meaning of life is so complicated to so many why do few just see it as something just in black 'n white? I see the meaning of life to be procreation and the conquering of other speciese along t...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 17:00:00 GMT