About Me
Phoenix Rising
It had all started out durring the summer. Aria [Aria Ashir] and I [Roddy Karegaran] decided on making a band, and finding good players to fulfill our music we made. Later, we found Kia(Guitarist/Vocalist) and we found we were a great trio. All we needed now, was a bass/guitarist as well as a rock hard drummer. Both of those are what we found, special thanks to Aria and his friends, who introduced us to our drummer [Vivek Mallampalli] and bassist/guitar [Deepak Mallampalli]. We were now essentially perfect, until we saw that our band members were 1 too many. We didnt know who to kick out, as we were all great, and in it for the music anyway (not the fame, as most people are). So we decided to keep everyone. We made 1 single song all together, "Hollow Death" (performed by everyone in the band, the others were performed by some people of the band), in which our former name was X-Ray. We decided to change the name for several reasons, A) It wasnt very unique, as we saw many people had X-Ray band name, B) It didnt match our style, C) We found a better, more unique name, and D) It also was sort of amateur we thought, for just choosing a band name because of the way it sounded. We later decided on Phoenix Rising (or PxR) which was all-around better, more unique, and meant something: As other people fall (or burn down, [fall]) we rise from all ashes, and impress all others. We then decided to put a Myspace profile/site on, so we can show others (or express) our music, the way we play it, no rules, our way. Basically, we totally remodeled the site, with my designs I made, in which our old designs were made by our designer [Johonsha Ali Purshahemi], and so I made everything Phoenix Rising, and updated the website frequently. The name of the site also went from "/xray01" to "/pxr01".
Quite frankly, it was a major success for a really new band, and it seemed many people liked it, including our crappy recording. Even though our recording was bad, others saw through that, they liked us for how the actual tune of the music sounded, which is easily obvious, because we have messages and friend quests daily on average. Our manager [Amir Shoar] is given credit for all of our starting records and helping us set up every time at a band rehersal/concert. We thank him alot, as well as give him website gratitude (we put him on our site, as many bands do not put their managers up, this manager was more than the word. He is our friend). We try and keep this site as updated as possible, as well as like comments and posts. We plan on making our CD soon, but only enough time is needed to become great, and basically flawless.MyGen Profile Generator
Phoenix Rising 2005-2006 |||
Roddy |||
Aria |||
Vivek |||
Kia |||
Deepak ||| Phoenix Rising 2005-2006
||| PxR New Song Data Recorded! [12/20/05] | Updated by: Roddy, Kia, Vivek |||