mclovin profile picture


i am tired of these mother f*&kin snakes on this mother Fu%king plane

About Me

Well i work at best buy installing pretty much anything you want into your car its fun i love my job i wouldnt it trade it for anything. Im laid back i like to hang with friends and chill. I like to make people laugh when i can sometimes by making a complete ass of myself, but oh well its all good as long as everyone has a good time i hate drama well if you want to know anything just ask PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileLOVEMYFLASH CODE

My Interests

i really dont know to busy to really enjoying anything anymore

I'd like to meet:

Your hot mom!!! oh Yeah and eva longoria PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileView All Friends | View Blog

What Sexual Position Are You? by Luv2Me
Favorite Color
Favorite Food
Sexual Position From behind
How many hours will it last? 8

Take the quiz:
what blink182 song r u?

i wana fuck a dog
your an outgoing,totally spastik person,there iz nothing stopping u,u just keep on goin and hoping for the best.and im with ya all the way

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


ill listen to anything that sounds good


comedies horror action anything with girls cars and parties some of the favorites american pie all of them sooper troopers boondock saints harold and kumar and lots more too lazy to list sorry


whatever keeps my attention


only for for school


my ma and pops for always being there

My Blog

just too much to do

its seems work is just pileing on first jay left me now  art is leaveing i feel a lot of weight being put on my shoulders and i dont konw if ready i dont want to worry im too tired to worry now s...
Posted by mclovin on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 11:29:00 PST