I go by the name of Juanito Alimaña... the reason being that on the mic i feel as though i release a lot of anger n frustration therefore i feel as though i take on an alter ego on the mic... Juanito Alimaña is an old school Salsa classic song... the song goes on about Juanito who is a hoodlum n the neighborhood bully... he has the neighborhood on lock... he robs n steals and nobody says a thing to him or about him... everyone sees his actions yet nobody has seen anything... he's never worked a day in his life yet he's always looking crispy clean... i feel like a bit of a bully on the mic and i feel as though i'm great at wat i do and those who have witnessed kno it yet i prefer being known thru just word of mouth... I'm a very talented individual... complicated yet simple... I came to find my artistic talents around the age of 16-17... my hands which were sculpted to create beauty... my rhyming style which i have been developing for several years now is another of my talents... I feel that these talents revealed themselves to me after a lot of pain n suffering... as if something in all the struggle triggered my desire to tell a story... in my early years of rhyming... i focused on much of the glamour in the business... it seemed like a way to make a living... an easy way out of responsibility and such... as I've grown and matured I've come to realize that there is no escaping this struggle... that I have to cherish my talents and use them for everyones benefit... I wish to speak to he who listens and reach the unreachable w/ a universal message of love n truth... I now focus my rhymes on something positive and truthful as much as I can.... I hope you enjoy everything i do... God Bless.... Seek Truth