Anime, Hockey, music, computers, geek shit, rollerblading, girls, wrestling, electronics (consumer), travelling, WRC racing, CHAMP car racing, Canadian politics, American politics, Archery, Sci-Fi, "D&D", Japanese Culture, Chinese Culture, movies
Someone who is willing to sit back and look at the bigger picture. Not only one side, but all sides and to objectively think for themselves and listen to every argument, and opinions of everyone, without emotion or personnal issues getting involved.
Anything but Country, Magnetic Fields, and annoying bullshit songs (ie: the Hamster dance song)
Action based, a little intellectual and artsy fartsy shit doesn't hurt. Up Late
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Stargate (pick a franchise), Law and Order (pick a franchise), Babylon 5, Andromeda, CSI (pick a franchise), Farscape, Smallville
Simply the Best: NHL coaches, Dune (pick any one), Star Wars: X-Wing series, Star Wars: New Jedi Order, Maxim UK, FHM UK
Mom - For teaching me sincerity
Dad - for teaching me strength
Maternal Grandfather - for teaching me imagination
Paternal Grandfather - for teaching me toughness
Paternal Aunt (eldest) - for teaching me family loyalty
Paternal Aunt (youngest) - for teaching me that there is someone out there for me
Maternal Aunt (eldest) - for teaching me to lookout for family
Maternal Aunt (middle) - for teaching me perserverance
Maternal Aunt (youngest) - for teaching me when to walk away
Rob - for teaching me integrity
Dan - for teaching me loyalty
Will - for teaching me neutrality
Colin - for reminding me what it is like to be hungry for something new
Colin R - for teaching me that everything works out
Ed -for teaching me support