Tranzliate this Shiznit ta Jive!
C-L-to-tha-izzick tha Spinn'n Rim Beotch!
www.myYearbizzle -- Created by 2 hizzle schoo` students ta kizzle myspace's ass
Tranzliate this Shiznit ta Jive!
C-L-to-tha-izzick tha Spinn'n Rim Beotch!
www.myYearbizzle -- Created by 2 hizzle schoo` students ta kizzle myspace's ass
Skateboarding, music, snowboarding, filming, photography, ....etc
Rock (classic and new age), Hip hop, rap (old and new) ... basically anything that im felling at the moment.
favorite=posibly lord of the rings series or maby star wars. Skate vids halla!
Dont touch it anymore (cept the acasional mtv)
i dont like to read. i guess a painted house was my favorite school book ever. Skate mags ! halla!
anyone who can kickflip a 15. o yeah and my dad.