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About Me

I love photography and art and music. I love reading a good book because yes, I'll admit it, I can be a big dork. Union Square in NYC is currently my favorite place. There is a lot more to me then what you see, so ask me if you care to find out. I am studying international studies, photography, and architecture at North Dakota State University. p.s. i am addicted to Frisbee.
45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone
whats your name spelt backwards?: eihpos
What did you do last night?: ultimate frisbee
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: music
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?: nope, and i can't say that i'd enjoy it
Last time you swam in a pool?: this summer
What are you wearing?: urban outfitters
How many cars have you owned?: one....RIP Jade
Type of music you dislike most?: polka
Are you registered to vote?: yes, in VA
Do you have cable?: yep
What kind of computer do you use?: HP entertainment lap top
Ever made a prank phone call?: when i was in 5th grade
You like anyone right now?: yes
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: already have been bungee jumping, would love to go sky diving
Furthest place you ever traveled?: renoysa, mexico
What's your favorite comic strip?: baby blues in the washington post
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?: sure
Shower, morning or night?: both...whenever I feel like I need to
Best movie you've seen in the past month?: The Life Aquatic....for the 14th time
Favorite pizza toppings?: mushrooms
Chips or popcorn?: popcorn!
What cell phone provider do you have?: verizon
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?: no
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: well, I won some cute baby contest...
Orange Juice or apple?: grapefruit
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?: brittany
favorite chocolate bar?: lindt
Who is your longest friend and how long?: hmmm probably Ingrid Freemyer since 1st grade!!!
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: right before I moved on campus
Have you ever won a trophy?: refer back to the beauty pagent question...
Favorite arcade game?: mrs pac man
Ever ordered from an infomercial?: nope
Sprite or 7-UP?: dr.pepper!
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?: nope
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?: never been there
Ever thrown up in public?: yes...i had the flu @ the HFestival
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?: cheesy as that sounds, its true
Do you believe in love at first sight?: infatuation at first sight
Did you have long hair as a young kid?: nope
What message is on your voicemail machine?: hi this is sophie's phone, but i'm not sophie um she's in north dakota? so...
Where would you like to go right now?: any beach....anywhere away from cold north dakota
Whats the name of your pet?: Sparky!
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?: tan messanger bag, lip gloss - pencils - sketch book - calculator
What do you think about most?: a variety of things, frisbee is up there
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My Blog


Ok people. As you may know....I have a serious lack of pics on my myspace. Sorry, I am not at my home this summer, so I really don't have many pics of me. Only really bad ones. I just uploaded one mor...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Aug 2005 06:52:00 GMT


Currently stuck in Cooperstown, ND. a.k.a farm country USA. Hopefully I will be able to come home soon, I miss all you guys! SOOOO much <3 from ND to all of my friends http://sudsonstage.blogspot.c...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Aug 2005 14:58:00 GMT