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About Me

Um, I'm possibly an alcoholic. I think the Government should be happy that we drink so much alcohol and not water - we are in a drought! I love shoes and my family, but not necessarily in that order. My friends are the best ever and always good for a laugh and some support. Money makes the world go round - just like gravity. I hate fake people and rude people, epecially when they are rude for no reason. I love good looking bouncers. If I pashed your boyfriend i'm sorry - it's not my fault he likes me better than you. I'm blonde but i'm not dumb, so don't treat me like I am. I'm not just the shop girl either. If I wasn't here you'd be barefoot. Al Bundy is misunderstood. I don't know if the chicken came before the egg, but both of them taste pretty good. I can change a lightbulb by myself - getting rid of spiders is a different story. A kebab is the best food when you're smashed at 4 in the morning. And I can't stand it when people sit on the aisle seat on the bus and don't move unless you ask them to - you're not that fat, move the f**k over. I can tell it like it is but I can't tell people what I need to. My family is seriously twisted in so many ways, but they made me who I am. Yes, I watch the football, but I actually do watch it for the game, the hot guys in litte shorts are just a bonus. If you're someone that will ditch their friends when they need you then I don't want to know you. Sometimes I can be as shallow as a puddle. I don't drink and dial...I drink and text. I think I'm destined to end up like my mother. Music is awesome. It was to get to the other side. The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them speak. I hate narrow-minded people. I don't mind if you do drugs, just don't offer any to me. I love my mum the most out of everyone.
I got this layout from .
Viva La Vida
Winter Wonderland - Jason Mraz

My Blog


..> I really wish that I could write something deep and meaningful in a blog (like some people I know ), but I only have the ability to write about boring-ish things that happen to me. So, today I ...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 14:26:00 GMT

Fishing trip my arse

Ok, so when someone says to you, "Nah, nah. You can stay at mine. We're going on a fishing trip early tomorrow morning and we'll drop you off on the way. You'll be home in plenty of time," don't belie...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 00:23:00 GMT

New Years

OK, so this year I have no plans for New Years, which in a small way I find kinda depressing, but not overly so. I have decided that as I am trying to save funds to go overseas at the end of the ...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 17:47:00 GMT

The storm

Just a short one here. If anyone is up for a pool party tonight, please feel free to bring your bikinis and budgie smugglers to my house, as I discovered a very large pool of water in my living room. ...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 23:46:00 GMT

The bug incident

Yes people, I was walking to the bus stop from work today and a teeny little bug took it upon itself to fly directly into my eye. And it didn't just hit the corner. No, it had to go right in the middl...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 01:50:00 GMT