" H ote is a traveller who records the surrounding soundscape during his voyages to later piece together, and in this way spread the beauty of what he has seen through music. Those voyages may very well be inner as well as outer, as the body has many levels of form and can travel in dream or vision as just as well as in the physical plane.
W ithin the cells of an organism, the Head of the Elephant is the one concerned with the Walkabout within, and as his contemporaries inside the cells of an organism (see One of the Asthmatics ), Hote also uses the tales by author William Blanes , as influential forces in the compositional process, or as stories to describe.
T he Head of the Elephant gives us a promising yet paradoxical glimpse at the modern ethnic music of today, by marrying the sounds and soul of acoustic music, and the songs of nature, with the technology and recording techniques of machines. After all, technology is a tool for advancement, and so in art, a tool for expression.
T hat is in itself a characteristic point to the Head of the Elephant's work with machines alongside instruments and natural sounds. It is a marriage of the old and the new into what the artist considers to be beauty and harmony in the balance of today.
A n original kind of ethnic music; both modern and reminiscent of the ancient musical wisdom witnessed in all ancient cultures throughout the world."