Azmodeus Lord of the Ninth profile picture

Azmodeus Lord of the Ninth

Nothing in my life ever came with a guarantee...

About Me

Im from a world of chaos, in state of confusion, on the border of insanity. It's located right next to the Starbucks. I have a GSXR 600 which takes most of my time and money. I also have a 2005 Scion TC. Im difficult to describe, so i'll just say that im me.
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My Interests

Riding my bike, cruzing in my car, or just doing whatever.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet the man who looked at a cows udders and decided to himself, "Hmmmm im going to drink whatever comes out of these things..." I somehow see alchohol being the culprit of that idea.


Zombie Movies... Dawn of the Dead, EuroTrip, The Punisher, Incredibles, Comming to America, Office Space, Black Hawk Down, and too many more to list.


Heroes, Scrubs, CSI, Smallville, Family Guy, Chappelle's Show, Knight Rider and The Twilight Zone.


Harry Potter LOL and the R.A. Salvatore books. Some Stephen King and H.P. Lovecraft, if im really bored.


Heroes never die, but legends live forever... just remember that.When I die, i'd rather people ask why I don't have a statue instead of why I do.

My Blog

Is this me?

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 18) --MY favorite sluts are Aquarius. Why? Because if you don't expect anything in return, you won't be disappointed. Sounds easy, huh? They will get under your skin though, so...
Posted by SuperManOfSteel on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 02:23:00 PST