The Name's
Gabby and I like to run around P.I looking for Black Legos...And Jessica and I like to go to Epcot and eat El Nino's; drink Strawberry Bao Bing teas, and play soccer with French dudes =D
So I've felt really lost these past few years. I went through some crap, and did things Im none too proud of. But people get over it, I know I have. I think it's time to forget all that bull I call my past, and head into that glorious and crazy thing called the future.
The real crazy thing is how one day you can wake up, and see just how UH-mazing your life is. Well I woke up a LONG time ago. And dreams just aren't as good as reality.
I've learned to put my trust in GOD, because only he can truly erase all of my mistakes, and make me feel truly happy. Theres a joy that you can only feel in the Lord's presence....and I've learned to stop fighting that and go along for the ride!
Although I still get into problems and at times i lose my sanity [if only for a brief moment], I know that im a different girl than i once was. I know the poeple who love me and I dont doubt they have my best interests at heart...
I guess Im realizing how lucky I am to live this life...and Im so grateful for everything, every person who got me here =D