♥Poetry In Motion♥ profile picture

♥Poetry In Motion♥

I am here for Friends

About Me

Let's see. there's a lot to tell...maybe.~I'm often too nice and too giving. So far thats gotten me a lot of heartache. But what can you do?~I love goin out. Even if that means just goin to the hookah bar with my friends, tho most of em don't like it anymore. I like goin to bars on weekends and just 'wastin' my night away with my best buds.~Im a huge fan of the hug. I hug all my friends, and think its an important way to say hi and bye. If I dont hug you, I probably dont like you. Either that or you make me totally nervous, so I wont do it. And it doesnt necessarily mean its a good nervous either.~I try to be a positive person...and surround myself with positive people. I believe in karma, however i also think that no matter how good of a person you are, bad things are gonna happen to you. To me, bad things happen to make you a stronger person and you're meant to learn from them.~I have a lot of random thoughts. I don't express em very often tho, cuz they can be far fetched, but as long as i know what i mean, who cares right?~I'm not really a jealous person, except once in awhile i seem to get super jealous over something stupid. im weird that way. All it takes is a little talking to and i get over it.~It takes a whole lot for me to get mad, but doesnt take much at all for me to get over it. If it's something small, and im mad, just let me get over it and i won't ever bring it up again. Sometimes that gives people the idea to walk all over me and i sometimes let it happen. I need to work on changing that.~I have strong opinions, but if you show me how your way is better i might just change my mind.~Sometimes i chill with people even if i don't like them. I dont pretend to like them, but i don't show i don't like them either. That doesn't make me fake, that makes me courteous. If i don't like you, then im sure it's for a good reason.~Most girls talk too much. I'm one of them. But i don't want friends who do. Therefore girls who are my friend are special. And not like most girls. I like hanging out with guys cuz they're a lot easier to talk to. They don't like drama, and neither do i.~I have an ego. But its a healthy one. I usually get along with everyone.Wow this is long. stop reading. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Bars, boys, music. Not necessarily in that order.Josh(jaws), Heater, and me. Cuz we're crazy like that. and you love it.

I'd like to meet:

311 FANS! you all seem to be amazing. MITCH HEDBURG! if he were alive. i swear, me and that fool could talk all night."My Space..A Place To Stalk Your Friends"...I really only use this for peeps i know..soo...HOW BOUTS PEOPLE I HAVE MET: Jimmy Chamberlin (cuz he's my uncle), Danny McGough from Social D and Shivaree (cuz he's my uncle too), Billy Corgan, James Iha, Adam Sandler, Pauly Shore, Samara from The Ring, 311, Pepper, Melissa Auf De Mar, Anthony Kiedis, Taylor Hawkins, Will Smith, Paris and Nikki Hilton, Johnny Knoxville and all the other jackass foolios, Steve-O, Harrison Ford/Calista Flockheart, Famke Jensen, Tom Green, Patrick Swayze, Jason Biggs, Paul Walker, Eve, Kelly Osbourne, Victoria and David Beckham, Josh Hartnett, Sean William Scott, Scott Weiland, Dave Grohl, Adam Brody, Mischa Barton, The Used, Ben Mckenzie, Queen Latifah, George Lopez, Olsen Twins, Paula Abdul, Joe from blues clues (haha), Lacey Chabert, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jamie Lynn Spears and Lynn Spears, Amanda Bines, Jim Carrey, Matthew Lillard, Chris Rock, Jared Leto, The Killers, Chris from Dashboard Confessional, Jimmy Adkins of Jimmy Eat world, ashlee simpson, ryan cabrera, The Veronicas, zack hexum, Eric McCormick, Sean Hayes, Megan Mulahlly (or however you spell it..karen from will and grace)...and thats all i can think of right now.


3 1 1 !! I actually love all types of music. My top 3 are 311, Pepper, and Social Distortion. Also loves New Years Day. Melee. Cry Out (ZUHILA FOREVER). Hot Hot Heat. The Used. U2. Billy Joel (yes i said Billy Joel). Taking Back Sunday. Descendents. Eisley. Paramore. Colbie Caillet. Thoughts That Echo. Bargain Music. Goldfinger. Useless I.D. JOSH GROBAN (thats for you Arrey). Johnny Cash. Muse. Sublime. 2pac. Pearl Jam. Lucky 7. Dashboard Confessional. The Ramones. Dave Matthews. Oasis. All American Rejects. Bob Marley. Zack Hexum. Britney Spears. Shivaree. *BOREHEAD!* Self. Sade. G Love. Slightly Stoopid. Jack Johnson. Pussycat Dolls. Incubus. Smashing Pumpkins. Zwan. Jimmy Chamberlin Complex. (*Props to Uncle Jimmy*). Millencolin. The Urge. Zebrahead. N*E*R*D. Blindside. The Killers. Jenoah. The Streets. Freakdaddy. Kanye West. The Darkness. Snoop. Slipknot. The Vandals. NOFX. Reggie and the Full Effect. The Veronicas. Aphasia. Nightmare of You. Secondhand Serenade. ummmm others too...I've been gettin into (thanks to d) a lot of underground stuff too. like sage francis, atmosphere and felt...im pretty much open to all kinds of music.


"You're Cra- You're crazy....I like you, but...You're Crazy". OLD SCHOOL! by far the funniest movie EVER! Hang out with me and youre bound to hear quotes from it haha..also...I LOVE DIRTY DANCING! seriously..like prolly my fav. Taladega Nights, Walk The Line, Kill Bill vol. 1 & 2, chasing amy, mallrats, clerks...basically anything kevin smith, night at the roxbury, donnie darko, the notebook, the truman show, um scary movies are always good, and movies that don't make sense unless you think about them. i also love Zoolander..and if you like that movie too then that means we have the same humor.


i love Entourage. Too much. i also love Friends. too much. im currently obesessed with the Bravo Channel. They have Project Runway, and Million Dollar Listing, and celebrity poker! what more could i ask for???


I dont read as much as i used to...but i think one of my all time favorites is All Quiet On the Western Front. The Hidden Messages in Water changed my life..now i just need to practice it! The "Conversations with God" series..well the one ive read so far also changed my life. READ IT NOW!!!


Anyone who can honestly say theyre happy, My siblings, Denny, my momma and daddy, and of course YOU.**3 most important people to have in your life: A lawyer, a cop, and a mechanic.**

My Blog

i can’t really keep my mouth shut anymore...

I've been so down lately. And i've really only told one person. And i've realized so much. Yeah its nice to say that i have friends and family who i love and adore, however im getting so sick of 90per...
Posted by ♥Poetry In Motion♥ on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 11:29:00 PST

311 Restaurant Menu

Someone on the 311 BB made this and i thought it was way cool and clever!     Appetizers Offbeat Bare Ass Wings - these have a Sick bite, served with our special wing sauce. Medium, hot, Loc...
Posted by ♥Poetry In Motion♥ on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 02:06:00 PST

new tattoo...

So. This new one makes 8! i just wanna explain it here to you all so you might not have to ask later. :) its a little unfinished heart on my ankle... Heather and i both got em yesterday. The...
Posted by ♥Poetry In Motion♥ on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 02:05:00 PST

Today is the 9 year anniversary....

of the day i lost my virginity. i would just like to thank the people who made these last 9 years possible...without you i might still be a virgin. who wants to celebrate? hahaha   man im dumb. b...
Posted by ♥Poetry In Motion♥ on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 09:54:00 PST

i've been thinking more than i should lately...

I've been doing a massive amount of thinking lately. Its mostly due to my lack of a working tv...so late at night instead of sleeping i end up thinking. Not to mention the fact that there's been a lot...
Posted by ♥Poetry In Motion♥ on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 04:58:00 PST

just some things on my mind...

sooo. yesterday  i found out some crazy news...not too crazy..more annoying...(and those who know..dont comment about it in case that person sees this)...im not down for people who take things i ...
Posted by ♥Poetry In Motion♥ on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 02:40:00 PST

If i saw you in th past 7 days..read this!

Ok. So the past 7 days have had a lot of ups and downs. and i know this is a couple days late but...friday. i hung out with josh and luis. youre new house is amazing! im sooo jealous. but in the best ...
Posted by ♥Poetry In Motion♥ on Thu, 18 May 2006 11:46:00 PST

My 311 day Memphis trip! im baaaack bitches!

My 311 day weekend in Memphis.   So I decided to write a day to day blog, and ima try to cover everything I did. Cuz well, I want to, and that way I might not have to re-tell every story haha. He...
Posted by ♥Poetry In Motion♥ on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 12:37:00 PST

SOOO...another one down...

another one of my friends is leaving. not for as long as pat, but i dont even know if im gonna get to talk to this one while hes gone. off to basic. grrr. dont join the army..so i dont have to be self...
Posted by ♥Poetry In Motion♥ on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 10:31:00 PST

its the little things...

So. I thought today was going to be a bad day. it started out with the usual. running late to work, forgetting a cord for my speakers, so no ipod, stuck behind a car that of course drives waaaay toooo...
Posted by ♥Poetry In Motion♥ on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 11:54:00 PST