César profile picture


bottled nosed aquaducts

About Me

I am an artist/animator who wants to make his mark in the world and one who can cook up a mean batch of mash potatoes, challenges are welcome... I've worked as an intern at Fat Cat Animation Studio in Tempe, AZ where I worked on "Curious George the movie" and their in house short film "Rindin the puffer". I grradumacated from the Art Institute of Phoenix with a B.A. in MediA Arts and Animation. Currently working as a freelance animator/artist/professional house mover/jedi master/web designer/self proclaimed leader of my lint collection. I recently co-founded the Art team "AVATAR DESIGNS with my friends Josh Gridley and Dan Garza (check out their work too), who are working hard on the Phoenix Fashion Show 2007. Go to my website and check out my work and let me know what you think! www.CesarTafoya.comp.s. don't mind my grammar

My Interests

Being vague, Art in general, and lamp, and big gulps, and girls of course, and coffee, and comic books, and clothes hanger, and clouds, and traveling (rarely happens), and crazy characters, and blah blah blah

I'd like to meet:

My Bizzaro self


A Perfect Circle(awesome lyrics), Stone Temple Pilots, The Toadies, Pearl Jam....Radiohead, Incubus, Tool is cool, The Arcade Fire, TENACIOUS D! MUSE


The Indiana Jones trilogy(yeah!) and the Star Wars movies (yes, all of them) and of course Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Fight Club, Shaun of the Dead, HOT FUZZ, KING KONG. And it would be dumb of me not mentioning that I love a lot of animated films, there are just too many to name, but I would say for now... Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, Tarzan, Lilo and Stich, Robin Hood, The Iron Giant, The Incredibles, Spirited Away, Spirit and of course Curious George. Just to name a few


EL GUAPO The Iron Giant

My Blog

thoughts a float

I miss my beard, I might grow it back
Posted by César on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 11:03:00 PST

random thoughts take two

just when you think your book has been written down, it gets revised. weird.
Posted by César on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 12:46:00 PST

random thoughts

damn, I'm 26 and I feel like I should be farther(artwork, relationships, jobs, etc.) from where I currently am, but I guess we will always want more than what we have.  Although it has ...
Posted by César on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 11:27:00 PST