Being vague, Art in general, and lamp, and big gulps, and girls of course, and coffee, and comic books, and clothes hanger, and clouds, and traveling (rarely happens), and crazy characters, and blah blah blah
My Bizzaro self
A Perfect Circle(awesome lyrics), Stone Temple Pilots, The Toadies, Pearl Jam....Radiohead, Incubus, Tool is cool, The Arcade Fire, TENACIOUS D! MUSE
The Indiana Jones trilogy(yeah!) and the Star Wars movies (yes, all of them) and of course Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Fight Club, Shaun of the Dead, HOT FUZZ, KING KONG. And it would be dumb of me not mentioning that I love a lot of animated films, there are just too many to name, but I would say for now... Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, Tarzan, Lilo and Stich, Robin Hood, The Iron Giant, The Incredibles, Spirited Away, Spirit and of course Curious George. Just to name a few
EL GUAPO The Iron Giant