death!!my own death!! A Necromancer's PrayerAd tu, deditio meus cor, meus amina, meus credo. ea id cum fides ille cado in tuus potens ala ea id cum amor ille offero calix de meus cor- bibo profundis de meus vita ille licet cognosco altitudos de flumen de oblivio et memoria. ea id sine timor et cum desiderium verus ille osculum tuus tranquillus, frigus oris prudens ille hic memoria volo esse meus ultimas.
In the shadow voice I speak your name, Azrael.. through the darkness of the humid night, it resonates in cathedral carillions, tolling, like some great, deep bell heard for miles afar, lulled on the swell of the wind, this symphony, mighty in sorrow carried on huge, dark and silent wings, obliterating all light, extinguishing every flame that strives to survive your immense unfurling.Your name, an attribute, a mortal gift, a blessing passed through many lips and given meaning in their prayers. A word becomes an invocation simply by the emotion imbued in its speaking. Azrael.... The sirens sing your name in ways that bring the angels and the demons to their knees. They cannot help that they have fallen. Your name stills the heart, silences their breath, culls the flame of longing from their loins. Azrael..... the name is Love and ever fleeting in that kiss, that eternity could be so quick, so demonstrative in but a moment where time does not exist and forever becomes the blink of an eye, yet so much longer than these days. We speak your name, and like them, fall, weak-kneed into your cold, cold arms just waiting for that kiss, however fleeting it may seem, it is longer than our days and fuller than our nights and so much stronger than our dreams profess, and so much sweeter when Life is willing to surrender to this song.
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