Richard profile picture


We's just at the wrong the wrong time. So don't feel so bad chief

About Me

My name is Richard. I'm sweet. Love all my family and friends, love music, love television. I really don't know what else to say. Self promotion blows. Oh and I also like long walks on the beach and sunflowers. Cus i'm original
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My Interests

Going out, staying in, making/listening to music, food, friends, girls, family, fun, the normal stuff.

I'd like to meet:

Doesn't matter




Fight Club, Detroit Rock City, Marvel Comic/superhero movies(i'm a superhero nerd) Team America, Waiting, Jaws, Forrest Gump, Spun, The good the bad and the ugly, Donnie Darko, Army of Darkness and Evil Dead, anything by Kevin Smith, just about anything Quinten Tarentino, Scarface, 8 Mile, Star Wars, Rounders, Suicide Kings, The Bird Cage, Punch Drunk Love, Snatch, Beatiful Girls, Who Framed Roger RAbbit, and a buncha others


Stand up comics, Saturday morning cartoons, Seinfeld, It's always sunny in philadelphia, Scrubs, the office, metalocalypse.


X-Men comics, that's the closest i get to reading.


Television. Alchohol Combined...

My Blog

Cali pitures

Cali More to come soon.......
Posted by Richard on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 09:30:00 PST