I like EatinG appLe piE with Cherries on Top. The OuTsiDe iS VeRy temPtIng bUt aLL tHe GooD stUffs insiDe!! :D (ahhh it's an AllEgorY) I like girlS that SmeLL liKe flOWers, other than that, I like gOIn to Clubs, Dancing, skating, bAsketball, hiking, movies, friends, PainTbaLL (yAy YaY), VidEo GamEz, CaRz, AuDio SpEcZ, DyNomiTe, aNd i Love Jesus!
Who I'd like to meet. SEems like a tough question at fiRst but I guess you could say anyone and everyone! I Love all you myspaceRS!! :D
Dashboard Confessionals, Sonic Flood, Saves the Day, moDern Hip Hop and R&B (there's just too many to list them all) Blink, BoxCar RaCer, Fountains of Wayne, the Ataris, Good Charlotte
Matrix, Waterboy, Remember the Titans, Little Giants, Braveheart, Gladiator, Serendipity :D, Xmen, House on Haunted Hill, REsident Evil, (Finding Nemo)
01/28/07 - Mountain High01/21/07 - Mt High01/15-20/07 - JAPAN
SmallVille, OC, One Tree Hill (yeah that's the line up), Jamie Kennedy, AfV, Fuel, 54321, Punked...
I'd rather watch TV!!
I've neVer BeeN SaVed bEfoRe [...."ParTY Like there's NO tomorrow, even if tomorrow is only an hour awaY! :D".....]