About Me
melania .
e non chiamatemi con il mio nome per intero, per favore. lo odio.
18 | genova | innamorata persa
il resto non deve interessarvi XD
have you ever confused a dream with life?
or stolen something when you have the cash?
have you ever been blue?
or thought your train moving while sitting still?
maybe i was just crazy.
maybe it was the '60's.
or maybe i was just a girl, interrupted.
[girl, interrupted]
it can't rain all the time.
"hold me".
"i can't".
these violent delights have violent ends,
and in their triumph die, like fire and powder,
which, as they kiss, consume.
l'apprendere molte cose non insegna l'intelligenza.
nelle persone di capacità limitate la modestia è semplice onestà ,
ma in chi possiede un grande talento è ipocrisia.
odi et amo.
quare id faciam fortasse requiris.
nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
twilight, again. another ending.
no matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end.
sei tossico sempre di cose che non sono tue.
but, suddenly, i viddied that thinking
was for the gloopy ones
and that the oomny ones used like
inspiration and what bog sends.
il divieto non significa necessariamente astensione,
ma la pratica sotto forma di trasgressione.
stop trying to control everything and just let go.
una passeggiata in un manicomio mostra
che la fede non prova nulla.
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