onethirtyseven profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

.About W.T.E.
a.k.a : onethirtyseven
my name is Wayne Thomas Edwards , I am an open book (somewhat). I go by the nickname 137, don't bother asking what it means (hence the somewhat). I'll let you know if you matter. Anything else you want to know just ask dudes/dudettes. Some people say I'm "cocky" but that's a good thing. I don't see anything attractive about that quality but I'll live up to it if you wish. Besides if you didn't already know then you have probably realized...
the management
.the daily blurb.
blah! blah! blah!
Hello Myspacers - 5/29/2008 8:59am
Just got back from the bank, I always feel like im going to go buy like a pound of weed or something or that I sold such when I'm driving around with a wad of cash like that in my hands LOL!!! Sadly the only thing that is going up in smoke is the man hours at work to compensate for my wonderful abode I now reside in.
I hope that my roomate Ed at least got a good nights sleep or was able to rub one out to my phone sex conversation last night that went well into 3:30am yet again LOL!
It felt like it was 1am didn't it baby?
awe, I feel like I'm like 19 again, phone sex is so juvenile but yet so satisfying. It only reminds me of how much better it's going to be in person so much in fact I changed my song today just for the occasion.
What's funny is I woke up on time for work, full of energy but the "sex" was just so great last night all I wanted to do was sleep and think about it. I should get up and go but I have some things I needed to take care of anyway. Like my rent check and such so there you have it.
So I'm going to take advantage of my irresponsibility for the day and crawl back in bed. And as much as I know you would like to be here and I would like you to. I totally wouldn't be mad if you say "showed up" and crawled into bed with me for a nap.
Which brings me to another point, that I have put my man-whoring on hold until further notice. Sorry ladies, but I like this one and don't want to scare her off. So we'll see what happens.
Hello Myspacers - 5/28/2008 8:59am
Why hello there.
So I woke up a little late for work yesterday and got in around 9, I ended up having a pretty quiet day actually. Had a nice conversation with "JJ" which took a big detour from naughty to some serious business. Because the internet after all is serious business people ;)
It was quite refreshing to have someone stimulate my mind, as very few take the time out of their day to be anything more than , well I don't know what word to use.
Anyway enough about that, so I stayed late at work yesterday. Got on the train in the normal spot where I like to sleep, the corner of the train. Normally nobody will sit by me on the train because I tend to look very intimidating and wont take my glasses off to look at people. I hate when people stare at your eyes, and if there is one thing I've noticed is people wont look you in your eyes if they cannot see your eyes. And will quickly cower if they dare take a wince at you and notice your gaze is addressing theirs.
It's quite satisfying if you like to be left alone.
But somehow that failed last night, I had a "two seater" as I like to call it, come and plop her big ass down in front of me and very rudely, she was taking up literally 2 seats. I don't know if you've ridden the metro before but there is not much leg room in the seating arrangements.
So pretty much I had to curl up like a baby and sleep all fucking obtuse and awkward just to fit in the corner I got stuck in from LA to Rancho Cucamonga, and for fucking give me fat lady who reeks of cigarettes as I did not want to be rude and get up just because you sat your ass down in my vicinity... reeking of tobacco, while breathing like you just ran 5 miles while huffing down the vending machine sandwich and ruby gatorade... Then you have the audacity to keep hitting my leg off of you because I fell asleep and if my leg moved in it's normal area of range touched your hamhock of a leg and sucking your lips at me every time it happened like I was invading YOUR space.
Fuck I was so pissed.... I have to step away for a minute, brb.
Anyway so I'm back, just been on and off the space browsing the net as usual. Which reminds me I need to start searching grave shift job ads, I need to generate some extra revenue as of yesterday and since everyone else is the weedman and I cant bring myself to do that on the side. Selling drugs is out of the question lol.
Well so yeah I watched Eastern Promises yesterday... I didn't like it at all. The story felt like it could of had about 4 different plots and the movie could've went either way. It would just hop from theme to back story to theme to more backstory, then add a twist on top of that which was painstakingly obvious. Did I mention Viggo Mortisen was but ass naked knife fighting in a bath house? cock and balls and everything, I don't know how I feel about that. Part of it was like bad ass this fools fighting for his life butt naked against two dudes dressed in leather with hook knives and he's getting fucked up.
The other part of me was like "where the fuck did his towel from earlier go???"
well yeah, after that I just went to sleep and called it a night. Although I kinda wished a certain someone was there with me hehe.
have a great day.
Hello Myspacers - 5/27/2008 9:59am
So last night I watched Stardust just based on the fact that the director is also the same person who directed layer cake starring daniel craig (the new james bond) and surprisingly enough I really really enjoyed stardust, so much so that it is on my favorite movies list now. It was really a great science fiction love story which is not what I had expected at all.
The premise of the movie is this boy who falls in love with this girl vows to win her hand in marriage by chasing down a fallen star for her, when the boy discovers the fallen star is a girl. They begin a quest back to his sweetheart to prove his love, but somewhere along the line ends up falling in love with the star(girl)... Well that's not all there is to it but it's a pretty damn good movie.
Then based off of a recommendation I watched "The Brave One" with Jodi Foster last night, me and the roomies Ed and Jesse (who amazingly stayed awake for 90 percent of the movie)... Holy shit that movie was nutz(with a z) that bitch just went wild like michael douglas and started blasting on fools lol.
And leave it up to Terence Howard to be the sidekick in the movie who is going the wrong way when he is needed and makes an overly dramatic u turn lol. We all agreed he should be given an award as best supporting U-turn making actor in a movie. Doesn't he make a U-turn in crash too when he beats up ludacris?
Tonight we shall watch Eastern Promises with Viggo Mortisen from Lord of the Rings as some Russian Mafia Hitman type of deal, looks to be really promising.
Hrrrmmm... what else could I write about today... Let me think, well I could write about a certain someone I suppose but I already have enough direct contact with them through out the day that I feel it's not necessarily needed to show the obvious.
They're definitely quite the interesting character and I enjoy the more and more I get to know about them as this was quite unexpected. What seemed to start off as some type of challenge has become more of like a quest or a voyage of truths. So hopefully if I am looking for something I'll eventually find out what it is as this is being carefully played out.
Hello Myspacers - 5/27/2008 1:49am
Yup, it's happening slowly but surely.
if you can see this and there is no blurb, i've cleared them out.
thank you,
the management

My Interests

I heard this was the place to come to be an over-glorified local "placebo" celebrity. Whilst I also heard that I could master becoming a man-whore thanks to all of the available pooh-nay on the internet. So here I am bring on the fame and the pussy that comes with it.

Also check out :
.my artwork.

I loved at one point in my life to illustrate, time and time again I revisit that love. But it is consuming, and at the price of time I wonder if I should be spending it bringing life to which that is plain? Or enhancing my life so that it is not plain.

I'd like to meet:

.i'd like to meet.
people who would like to meet me.

Anyone who is interested in being stimulating, whatever, whatever, whatever. Sound like you? Then shoot me a message or a friend request, don't be afraid. I'll respond.
.message me.
.add me.

I am very single, but I am not available.
if your intentions are for personal gain, thanks for visiting.
But I'm not interested.
.put comments in the space below and stuff.

footnotes : 1.I hate censorship, anything you want to post is fair game; however, if you post something that equates to a cock block. It may be removed for the greater good of my sex life. I hope you understand since I enjoy all three of those things my sex life, sex and well my life of course. 2.My top friends list is not a popularity contest, none of your business what my relationships to them are. That goes for people who are on that list as well as it constantly will evolve, but will not be larger than it is. 3. As much as I love women, boobs, bikini pictures and glitter comments, please refrain from posting them in my comments. They mess up the layout of my page, and I don't think my job would appreciate me looking at naked or damn near naked women as much as I would appreciate it. 4. If you came to my page to see if your girl* has been flirting with me or think there is any foul play between me and them, just accept the fact that I am a. sleeping with her, or b. well on my way, and I love this one. c. already slept with her quite some time ago, hence why she is openly making sex jokes on my page.
*girl : use your imagination, just like you already are.

Just in case you weren't clear, that should resolve your puzzled stature.


Trading Places


The Matrix Trilogy, Stardust, Iron Man, The Dark Knight, Dark City, The Warriors, Bachelor Party, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Weird Science, Back 2 The Future, Terminator Trilogy, Akira, Vampire Hunter D, Cowboy Bebop, American History X, Fight Club, Troy, Braveheart, Miami Vice, James Bond Flicks, and so much more...


Pure Pwnage
Pro at Cooking
Red vs Blue


My Blog

a girl named simone and who she is to me.

Some of you who are my friends have the pleasure of seeing my other photo albums which are not public for professional reasons (as I do have a day job) may have made yourself familiar with an album by...
Posted by onethirtyseven on Tue, 27 May 2008 01:56:00 PST

This quite possibly is the trippiest fucking thing I have ever watched in my life

kudos to the artists and animators. MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo....
Posted by onethirtyseven on Wed, 14 May 2008 10:24:00 PST

I have received quite possibly the best news in my life

The 5 dollar sub at subway is now a permanent deal. fuck yesthat is all. xoxoxox
Posted by onethirtyseven on Mon, 12 May 2008 02:45:00 PST

The laws of attraction - edit 5/19/2008

I haven't really given much thought to this blog. I want to keep it on point so it is easier to catch your attention, rather than using it as a guide to get me to fuck you. I get a lot of people who d...
Posted by onethirtyseven on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:45:00 PST

Atheism, and why I will never be a savant.

The cool thing about atheists is we do not care if you want to be atheist or not. Apparently we as humans feel the need to label everthing for it to exist. Therefore the lifestyle that I have chosen h...
Posted by onethirtyseven on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 01:23:00 PST

Sometimes I hate hanging out with stand up comics

Posted by onethirtyseven on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 10:07:00 PST