Alex profile picture


it's cuz i'm naturally de-odorized!

About Me

I got a fever! And the only prescription.. is more cowbell!
*** Welcome to Alex Land ***
Yeah, so today I was looking at my profile and realized it was ridiculously old, like a year or so since it has been updated. Lots of stuff has happened then such as me moving to College Station. Despite my affinity for the University of Tejas, this place is winning me over with its wild and wacky "yells," and ummm... the scenery.Anyway, back to the about me. My name is Alex. I am awesome, if you don't believe it then get off my page right now. I am not a Texan, I am not even really American. Let's call me, African Caucasian. I was born in KY but spent most of my life till HS living in third world countries and europe, hence my language skills and love of all cultures outside the US.I have a dog named Toki, he might as well be my kid because I treat him like one. If you ask if he is a fox I will fight you right here and now. That or give you the SuFi, depending on my mood. I like people of substance, ie: people who do not waste oxygen, people who have goals, and most of all, people who want to actually improve the world around them.I'm in the Army, at least for now, doing the whole Officer thing, it keeps me productive, but my real love in life is Finance and in particular international investment banking. Now, wait a second, you say Whatt!! that is super uber boring! Investment banking doesn't rock socks? I don't even know who this Dow Jones fellow is! Well my friends , does the Aston-Martin Vanquish rock your socks? Or a personal yacht sitting off the coast of Monaco in the warm waters of the Med do anything for you? It does for me. (Disclaimer: I do not own any of these, just a reference for the intellectually deficient) And hence, my favorite hobby is learning how investing works :) Money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure can help make you smile.Lastly, once my awesome friend Miss Kelley Borer of Boston gets settled, she should be providing my new "about me" section as per her job description, till then we will wait.

My Interests

clubs, tennis, downtown austin, parties, travel, diving, skiing, art, french, 350z's, movies, music, culture, psychology, financial management & investments, my dog

I'd like to meet:

You have been marked on my profile map!
Anyone that enjoys life, loves to have fun, and has an great personality. People who appreciate culture, art, life, and are not closed minded. Extremely Open and Awesome People. MOST IMPORTANTLY, People who respect themselves enough to stand thier ground for themselves and for what they believe in.


The Alex Lane Project, bob schnieder, portishead, the Mars Volta, Panic! At the Disco, sasha and digweed, bush, usher, frank sinatra, live, cranberries, wyclef, postal service, kanye west, faithless, beenie man, NIN, tool, system of a down, saves the day, disturbed, radiohead, DMB, Placebo, sweet mickey, gypsy kings, BT, Alya, Dispatch, Rage, PPK, Disturbed, anything from "the ministry", Aquagen, The Pixies, Silverchair, Deathcab for Cutie, 311, Puff Daddy (Not P. Diddy), Tiesto, Toby Keith, sneaker pimps, Kenny Chesney, Tori Amos, Paul Oakenfold, 112, Korn. At this point, it really doesn't matter, I can just go on and on.. I am a big fan of music of all types. I literally, like everything, oh.... except for gwar, i just cant get into that.


300, Requiem For A Dream, Equilibrium, Spinal Tap, Braveheart, Gladiator, Star Wars, Seven, Fight Club, "im currently at a loss for what my favorite movies are, this whole section was deleted by accident, arg wtf!"


Whatever My Tivo Records: Family Guy, House, Lost, Scrubs, Conan, ATHF


The Ender's Game Series, Brave New World Anything Financial Oriented,


My Grandfather