Matt@truthdrums [ART] [NT] profile picture

Matt@truthdrums [ART] [NT]

I dont need something that hurts more than nothing

About Me

My name is Matt. I appreciate everyone for anything. I am a people person as a friend family or anything. I like being outdoors alot. It just makes me feel more alive i guess haha. but i mostly only like being outdoors if i am traveling which i guess is good because i get chances to tour every so often in the year. I'm not perfect. I have made mistakes and have hurt peopel in the past. But I have been hurt by people too. Thats how life goes sometimes i guess. I Play drums and have been playing for 13 years. I love life. I'm an Aquarius, I'm chill, I'm picky sometimes, outgoing and expressive, I'm always thirsty or hungry, I have to be busy all the time, I'm a hands on person, I'm in a bad mood when im tired, I'm dying to do anything when im awake, my mind trails off sometimes, and Music runs my life. I keep as busy as i can with it when im not working and in my spare time. I listen to alot of music, but should listen to more. I'm very intellectual but have a average vocabulary. I take alot of pride in the things i do including music and working and family and friend matters. I have ALOT of aquainteances but i would like more friends. Being out at night is something i love doing when im with friends. Latley I have been getting alot closer to my family. I offer drum lessons and live and studio drum services. so if you are interested hit me up! anything else just ask me I want to talk to people! -Matticus
I am proudly representing, playing for and endorsed by

My Interests

Music, traveling, my pets, friends,

I'd like to meet:

anyone especially musicians and people passionate about music.


I listen to alot of different stuff and I play music myself.


i watch em sometimes


family and friends that have supported me with my music since day one. Woot.

My Blog

Drum Lesson Application

This is for People who are interested in taking Drum lessons from me personally. Lessons will be held at the rehearsal studio at my house. Anyone willing to Take lessons can fill out this app I made s...
Posted by Matticus© on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 11:23:00 PST

so much to do

in so little time! good things are gonna start happening soon and i cant wait!
Posted by Matticus© on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 12:56:00 PST

after a late last night

I think lessons will be and have been learned. Last night was relieving and refreshing. Time to start over.    ...
Posted by Matticus© on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 06:31:00 PST