PRIORITIES my friends music photography dressing up gigs guitars motorbikes
Anyone slightly alternative, grunge, goth, emo and the likes, the kind that wanna talk about things they are interested in and want to know about what others like, people who are genuine and who can actually be bothered to keep in contact, who use Myspace to get to know other people, and not as a popularity contest. Musicians would be cool to know too...
I'm told i'm a metal chick, but a rock chick too, i love music! Metal and rock n' roll are the only way to go! Can't list all the bands I love, there are too many!
TO NAME A FEW -Shawshank Redemption- -The Trueman Show- -Donnie Darko- -Tweleve Monkeys- -Forrest Gump- -Children of Men- -Jay and Silient Bob Strike Back- -Dogma-
Don't really watch it that much, but when i do it's gotta be, The Simpsons and Hollypaks, only coz that new guy Newt is fucking fit!
NOVELS The Long Hard Road Out of Hell-Marilyn Manson A Clockwork Orange-Anthony Burgess Lord of The Flies-William Golding Enduring Love-Ian McEwuan
My friends are my heroes-Mina, Dao, Kirsty, Liamism, Richie and Karen. All have been there for me at some point or another!Though I should mention the two Betty's, Betty Boop and Betty Page, both as inspriational as the other! Though one is a cartoon and the other is dead!Dita Von Teese-A living Goddess!