About Me
....I'm a man on a lifelong quest, seeking that truth, which comes along with knowledge in many various forms. I am always trying to advance my mentality, and my own sense of self awareness. That has led me to pursue many different paths of interest so far in my life, of which, I am still active and very passionate about. Music has and always will be a part of my life, whether playing it or producing it. As a former bass player & vocalist, my goal now is mainly to get my label up and running in order to promote and market many worthy bands out there, who aren't getting enough support or exposure. Aside from that I'm still a writer of both words and music. I have written lots of misc. poetry and lyrics through the years, as well as some music and short stories. Though I've mostly been working on writing my manuscript for a book, more of a novel, 'cause it will be lengthy when I finally do complete it. Mostly since my research has extended into an even longer expedition!
I Also enjoy studying many things that would perhaps seem boring to the mundane, but yes things like; Archaeology, Mineralogy, lots of History, and Mythology. Occasional study in warfare and battle tactics, of the elder empires of the world, do intrigue me as well. I have always had an interest in studying the paranormal, yet not as much as the whole "U.F.O." phenomenon, especially since there has been too many occasion, for me to otherwise speculate, which I do not like to do much!
So yes, I read lots, and spend many cantankerous hours, pouring over a whole lot of world history and even philosophy as well as religion. I like to compare the hypocrisies of different dogmas throughout the world. It is also a great way for me to retain and decipher what sacred knowledge is left in the old texts. Most of it is for personal knowledge, yet I have always had aspirations of somehow teaching or imparting what knowledge I've already obtained, or yet will, in the coming years! The future is always cloudy and hard to see! So who knows? I have some aspirations of long visits to Europe, to further delve into my families traditions and history, and if at all possible to carry on my trades. Who knows? Perhaps I''ll get lucky and be able to continue my studies abroad. Not sure where I'd go? Most likely Poland to begin with, since I do have family there. So who knows where I'm gonna wind up, all I know is Michigan is boring!(My Spirit however, has always cried out for the Northern European lands)Studying at present; Runes from Eastern European tribes, Ancient Slavic/Gothic traditions and cultures, as well as their belief and value systems. I'm training myself to use the elder runes in all their forms, so what knowledge in the Germanic system I already have, may help.
I am also currently playing the most complicated game of strategy at the moment,(LIFE)while avoiding all "Bishops & Rooks"! I am and always will be my own lord and saviour! I'm a modern day Heathen & "Old Soul", that believes in creating your own morals in life. I can identify with most non-christian philosophies,i.e. Asatru/Odinism, Theodism, etc.. I work with the elements as well as runes, and other forms of divination. I believe in the raw power of energy, whether "Celestial", or "Universal". The sacred energies of this Earth (Jord), along with tradition and ceremony are what motivates me to be a better person, and find my own morals in this life. So as far as religion goes, I have none, in my opinion religion is just about order and control over others, to keep people from questioning the obvious. Faith, however is a very different thing altogether, and of that I believe I have plenty!