Yeah, it took me forever to finally update this thing, but it usually never gets read anyway, so *shrug*
I also realize a few of you may be a bit to lazy to read a long ramble of "about me" info, so i've take liberty to arrange it all into a nice organized, easy to navigate list, hurray? hurray.
name: Luther
age: 26
personality: pessimistic with slight hints of optimism, somewhat withdrawn, sometimes too focused on one particular to notice the smaller details around me, kind of anti-social, yet still somehow a "people person" (yeah I don't know how that works either=P
likes: writing (its nice to look through my stash of notebooks sometimes) drawing- or any form of art in general, reading, movies, music (probably my favorite thing in the history of anything ever) cheese, waffles, braces...not the leg kind, pigtails, video of duty 4 is one one of the greatest things ever, and anyone that disagrees is...well, dumb
dislikes: ok, so I may have to rant a bit here, but i'll try to practice a bit of restraint. Liars- yes we all do it, and sometimes they can be pretty big, but the ones that seem to live their lives around it, i almost feel sorry for. overly negative people- putting this in a big list of things i don't like may seem a tad hypocritical, but at the same time I have enough respect to not crap over another person's opinions or beliefs every chance i get (except for that day at the beach...I'm not a big fan of the beach) cats. Hot weather. shrimp. watermelon (yeah, surprise assholes) butterflies
favorite movies: the lion king, fight club, human traffic, into the wild, across the universe (shut up)
favorite quotes (movies, songs, and friends):
"ah man, I shot marvin in the face"
"bitch I live here!"
"I don't love you, I'm just passing the time"
"geez, emo kid, go be emo somewhere else"
"it's like if jesus was a skater
"never make someone your priority if you're only their option"
"I'll chop your whole body off!"
Writing my life story, using a pen or pencil?:
pen, yes, knowing some of the things I know now about my awesome life, it'd be nice to build a time machine and do some things differently (or not at all) but I'm sure it's all happened for a reason...however fucked up that reason may be, but i see it as character building, gotta learn from your mistakes, right? right.
Favorite color: blue
Favorite band: rage against the machine
Favorite recent album: Bloc party- silent alarm
Favorite album ever: Smashing pumpkins- melon collie and the infinite sadness
Things I'm pretty good at (I think):
not much
drumming (real and rockband =p)
holding grudges (I never forget...or forgive usually ;p)
ok, I'm done with this for now, time to go do one of those things I'm good at
P.S. anyone on PSN, look me up (bushido_b) i'll be happy to pwn your face off in the game of your choosingI edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !