the return of bushido brown! profile picture

the return of bushido brown!

About Me

Yeah, it took me forever to finally update this thing, but it usually never gets read anyway, so *shrug*

I also realize a few of you may be a bit to lazy to read a long ramble of "about me" info, so i've take liberty to arrange it all into a nice organized, easy to navigate list, hurray? hurray.

name: Luther

age: 26

personality: pessimistic with slight hints of optimism, somewhat withdrawn, sometimes too focused on one particular to notice the smaller details around me, kind of anti-social, yet still somehow a "people person" (yeah I don't know how that works either=P

likes: writing (its nice to look through my stash of notebooks sometimes) drawing- or any form of art in general, reading, movies, music (probably my favorite thing in the history of anything ever) cheese, waffles, braces...not the leg kind, pigtails, video of duty 4 is one one of the greatest things ever, and anyone that disagrees is...well, dumb

dislikes: ok, so I may have to rant a bit here, but i'll try to practice a bit of restraint. Liars- yes we all do it, and sometimes they can be pretty big, but the ones that seem to live their lives around it, i almost feel sorry for. overly negative people- putting this in a big list of things i don't like may seem a tad hypocritical, but at the same time I have enough respect to not crap over another person's opinions or beliefs every chance i get (except for that day at the beach...I'm not a big fan of the beach) cats. Hot weather. shrimp. watermelon (yeah, surprise assholes) butterflies

favorite movies: the lion king, fight club, human traffic, into the wild, across the universe (shut up)

favorite quotes (movies, songs, and friends):

"ah man, I shot marvin in the face"

"bitch I live here!"

"I don't love you, I'm just passing the time"

"geez, emo kid, go be emo somewhere else"

"it's like if jesus was a skater

"never make someone your priority if you're only their option"

"I'll chop your whole body off!"

Writing my life story, using a pen or pencil?:

pen, yes, knowing some of the things I know now about my awesome life, it'd be nice to build a time machine and do some things differently (or not at all) but I'm sure it's all happened for a reason...however fucked up that reason may be, but i see it as character building, gotta learn from your mistakes, right? right.

Favorite color: blue

Favorite band: rage against the machine

Favorite recent album: Bloc party- silent alarm

Favorite album ever: Smashing pumpkins- melon collie and the infinite sadness

Things I'm pretty good at (I think):

not much


drumming (real and rockband =p)

holding grudges (I never forget...or forgive usually ;p)

ok, I'm done with this for now, time to go do one of those things I'm good at

P.S. anyone on PSN, look me up (bushido_b) i'll be happy to pwn your face off in the game of your choosing
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

no one anymore, it'd just be another person for me to lose hope in

My Blog

its been (almost) a year...

since i moved back from valdosta, and, other than the good times i've had with the new roommies, the only question that comes to mind is: why? I'll admit, the first couple of months back were fine and...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 00:26:00 GMT

looking down

    He stood at the very edge of the tall cliffs, looking down at the sea below. Ripping pages from an old, worn notebook, he tore them into tiny pieces and let the wind carry them from the ...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 05:15:00 GMT

well, i guess thats that...

looks like i'll be back in jax in a matter of weeks (to stay, not visiting this time =P) so to everyone that bitched about me moving, you can shut the hell up nowmore details when i feel like posting ...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 20:47:00 GMT

what to do...

    well, it would seem i've come to another one of those "fork in the road" situations: what to do when the lease is up here in valdosta. Strangely enough, i've actually grown to like ...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 18:02:00 GMT

50% off at gamestop (one day only!)

so today me and chris (sorry, chris and I) decided to head to the gamestop in the mall to pick up the new dual shock and a game, before i move along, i must say this is one of those times when everyth...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 17:12:00 GMT

the memoirs (the final ramblings of Leon and Greg)

Leon: yo, what’s up dude, can you do me a favor?Greg: yea, sure, what’s up?L: I need you to read this for me and tell me what you thinkG: ...what the hell is this?L: dude, it’s my me...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 17:34:00 GMT

things i’ve learned since moving to Valdosta...

the weather here is just as flip-floppity as jacksonvillethere’s only ONE starbucks in this whole damn citycops here drive chargerssometimes being right about something can actually suck =Phuski...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 14:26:00 GMT

tagged (damn you tasha and adam)

TaggedI'm Tagged...Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 random things, facts, goals, or habits about yourself. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 22:52:00 GMT

must be nice...

to be one of those lucky bastards that can leave something for months, or even years at a time, and come back to everything being just the way it was when they's starting to look like i'm no...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 13:22:00 GMT


i'm ready to get away from everything...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 18:13:00 GMT