Unleash The Last ( Need DRUM !!! ติดต่à¸
About Me
From Bangkok Thailand, UNLESH THE LAST originally formed in 2007 with a five-man core -
singer Mint, guitarists Kong and Soh ,bassist Wut, Drum Pol ; A group of high school kids who's the metal head .
– and were subsequently joined by guitarist "O" who's supplanting guitarist addition.
O was joined Their instead Soh that decided to withdraw the band.
Resulting in what many trouble to be the band, "Game" became their drummer to fulfill them at latest.UNLEASH THE LAST has become a force to be reckoned with in the underground Thai metal scene since
2008, UNLEASH THE LAST continued to grow, UNLEASH THE LAST has issued a steady
stream of metal. On August 2008, UNLEASH THE LAST was chosen by Thai HeadbangerZine (Thailand
underground Magazine) to be a new band metal kids in 'New Kids from Hell' column.After They did their first single called 'Away' that elated acceptance from listeners, They supposed that
They'll making the E.P. album overtaken in 2009. Please supported us by copying our banner here!
My Interests
Member Since: 08/09/2007
Band Members: !-replace General Table-!!- myspace tutorials and code-!
!-END block to replace General Table-!
Record Label: Unsigned