Saturday 25 April 2009, Going North Productions presents Patsy Matheson, with support from local man, Michael Rossiter.
Tickets, £6 adv, £7 door from Jumbo records ( + booking fee) or from John on 07743189314 or from [email protected]
Doors open 7pm.
Soft drinks on sale. you are welcome to bring your own wine or beer.
Going North Productions is a group of friends who love roots and acoustic music who want to bring quality artists to Leeds. GNP run regular live events, at St George's Church in Leeds City Centre.GNP was launched in 2006, with some financial support from the Greenbelt Trust. Our first gig was in Spring 2006 when we had Rodney Cordner and Jean Pierre Rudolph to play. Since then we have had Jez Lowe, Clive Gregson, Brian Houston, Kris Morris & Neil Mc Clarty.Part of the ethos of the group is to provide performance opportunities for musicians who have used homeless projects in Leeds and Bradford. We aim offer the support slot to one of our partner organistions working in homelessness or to a local unsigned artist.