Bubbly, changeable and a little bit fickle, Gemini women keep their men guessing -- and therefore always intrigued. Bombshells Marilyn Monroe and Angelina Jolie were both born under the sign of the Twins. Ruled by Mercury, your sharp wit is a turn-on. A sly innuendo from you counts more than an outright invitation from someone else. Bright and insightful, you present a mental challenge -- an appealing trait to a man. Though you can sometimes slip into dark moods, they don't last long. In fact, your optimism is legendary. Your curiosity knows no bounds, which is a very sexy quality. You're at your best while playing word or card games, traveling or exploring different parts of the city. With all the activities you're into, you're never boring. Men love your spontaneous ideas, and ability to change course quickly if plans fall through. A steamy late-night call from you will get your guy pumped up for action. Keep your sexiest body part -- your lips -- moist and kissable, and you're sure to get plenty of use out of them!
This profile was edited with myprofilestuff.com Editor