There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly dissapear and be replaced by something more bizzarely inexeplicable.
There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
Any being without blown ego, artistic creatures, true musicians, philosophers, beings with determination in what they want to do and achieve, outer space beings (maybe that's us ourselves already), you and those who've hit rock bottom but still have a goal to believe in.
put the harry merry banner onto your website by copy/pasting the link below!
I dislike sticking my ears only onto one thing, of course, so I'm not at all into defining music and styles since I'm crossing all musical interest borders all the time anyways.
You should too! It's amazing.
& click to listen and download my new music for free.
Every human being on this planet should once've read the Little Prince (by Antoine de Saint Exupééry), it is a very small book which will hopefully lead you back to some sort of inner childlike being and existence, for at least a moment. You decide how long you wanna be there.