also known as METALWARMACHINE, first saw the light in 2001 as EXHORTATION. We started out as a four piece death- thrashmetalcombo ready to conquer the world and leave non alive. Our intention was to make hard and fast music in symbiosis with an intense emotion and anger! Still we tried to keep the truth in our words and the opportunity for everybody to find their own interpretation in it! We find our influences in many bands, as there are The Black Dahlia Murder, Darkest Hour, Slayer, Hate Eternal and many more... but with the big amount of influences we still try to stay true to our own sound!
We were quick in writing the first set of songs that we released as a low-budget Mini-CD named „Under The Cope Of Hell“ wich sold pretty well on shows. The first three years were filled with a lot of showcases almost everywhere in Germany with bands like Biohazard, Caliban, Liar and many more.
After a time of big turbulences and changes inside the band, founding member Chris Heck (Drums) made his decision and left the Band for personal reasons. That was the day, „THE UNKNOWN – metalwarmachine“ was born. To rename the band was an act of respect to Chris Heck´s efforts for EXHORTATION. Since he was one of the founding members, we came to the conclusion that EXHORTATION could only exist with all original members!
A few days after Chris Heck´s sayonara from the band, somewhere around september 2005, Manuel Caccamese joined the band and after only a few rehearsals we were sure that he had to be the new drummer! This Kid has the shit! After one month of rehearsing we had a show in Konstanz with Crisis Never Ends! Manuel did a very good job and since then he is a member and good friend!
With a new drummer we had new possibilities in songwriting and with that the need for a second guitar grew and grew. In June 2006 Manuel had the idea to ask Kilian Heck, who plays the lead guitar in Manuels other band BETRAYAL to join in as second guitar. We played together a few times and spawned a new sound that should become the trademark of the metalwarmachine! Again, a new member and friend was found!
That was the time, recordings for the debut CD „THE UNKNOWN“ started. We found a great ally in A-Town Recordings owner Gundy Keller. After two weeks of intensive studiolabor six songs were ready to be released. But still, after that, we didn´t have the feeling that our time has come to be back in action. So we kept practicing, and working hard to become better and better. And again there came a time of big losses, Eugen Achir, founding member and long time friend decided to leave the band for his very personal reasons!
So the search for a substitute started again. Martin Huckert, ex-member of Aschaffenburgs DroppD proved himself very much capable of filling out that empty space. Again, intensive practicing, rewriting old songs and an improvement of sound took place and made THE UNKNOWN the metalwarmachine that it is right now.
So it´s five metalheads, motivated like hell in a venue near your place soon, to fuck things up!!!!BE THERE AND DESTROY, WE DELIVER THE SOUNDTRACK OF DESTRUCTION!!!