Poker, Beer pong, Movies, Relaxing
Daniel Negraneau and talk to him about the ups and downs of being famous through poker. Would love to spend a day with Eminem and just follow him around. Wouldn't even need to have a conversation.
Rap, specifically Eminem. I also like Canibus, Sticky Fingaz, Obie trice (Cheers!), and many more. If you freestyle let me know we should get up sometime
Gym Class Heroes - Papercuts
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I like funny movies the most like Old School and Wedding Crashers :). I also like psychological dramas like Mothman Prophecies. Murder mysteries like Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal etc. are also fun. I hate watching movies with people who have already seen the movie though, so let's both watch it for the first time ok?
OK this is being updated as The Wire is unfucking believable, and Prison Break is sick as well. Lost rounds out the top 3 pretty well. &videoid=1542154750
I like both of Mitch Albom's famous books: "Tuesdays with Morrie" and "The 5 people you meet in heaven".
Every man's hero I think should be his dad, and mine is no exception. However, for some more interesting answers, I like Daniel Negraneu, who is under 30 and already made somewhere around $50,000,000 playing poker. I just want to play in the world series one day and do well. Every dream is attainable right?