About Me
Hey there, this is kayla, doing james about me, well he’s thirteen turing fourteen just eighteen days after me buy him something nice. sorry ladies, he’s off the market. He’s in 8th grade at valley waste. He’s a little trouble maker. He has a lot of friends, none that I know. He’s into quading, and dirt biking. He’s actually a computer nerd ;p he’s pretty funny, and likes to put glue on his hands? Yeah. Get to know him, but no, you can’t have him.heeelllloo hoeess;) morgaan herr doingg james about himm. well he attendss valleyy wesst. and would be in 8th.;] he gets in a lot of troublee therre thoo;) he has a lot of frriends but thee vuurry best wouuld bee jarod, cheyeene, mee,and ashley a. dirtbikingg, quadingg, bikingg, hanging outt, anndd skateboardingg arre his thinggs.:] james is the bomb & can prolly make anyone lauggh. he is currentty taken srry ladies!;) ahha. well jamess has aim it would be gblo999. get to know this kidd! :} imm ouutt.;] milllaaah was huurr.i love you james like a brrooothha. peacee<3 and i have
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Posted by on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 02:11:00 GMT |