Unablogger profile picture


About Me

Hello, my name is Chloe. I'm not going to tell you how to pronounce it. This is my second time around for MySpace after the nasty little shocker that my profile was deleted! I did not join to procure a rediculous amount of friends, nor am I a fan of Rupert Murdoch's. It just kind of became a sad, sad passtime of mine. However, if you want a timely reply to anything, please look me up on Facebook, a.k.a. the new MySpace. Chloe Vaughn that is. I don't want to make this a long dissertation, however I would like you to know a little about me.

-Check your Wikipedia-based pseudo-intellectualism at the door.
-There are three things that are certain in my life--My thoughts, my friends(most of the time), and Star Trek
-Most people I've met I cannot stand
-I have pretty eclectic taste in almost everything, but I do have defaults and favorites that I always come back to
-I really am not a very social person, and I value my solitude. This isn't to say that I'm anti-social, or that I don't like people--it's just for the most part true. I think I would be more social if people didn't suck so immensely
-That being said, I am nice as hell.
-I like to believe that I am infinitely complex, and that what you see is only a fraction of what you get. There probably is some truth to this, but don't take my word for it
-I love poetry and writing--particularly poetry slam. However I decidedly do not post my 'work' on here; no offense to you guys, but the people viewing my MySpace probably aren't the most discerning of folk
-Music means a great deal to me, but to say it is my life would be a copout
-I find young people (or just people in general) that are completely apolitical, or have no interest in current issues absolutely pathetic, and disgusting.
-I'm really quite a lot of fun if you get to know me. If you think I'm boring it only means that you are the boring one
-If I don't like you, let me make this abundantly clear: It's not me, it's you.
-Contrary to popular belief I do not think I am better than everyone, however I do wish natural selection would play more of a part in Human existence. Life isn't fair, and neither is nature.
-I'm a vegetarian and I'm big on animal rights. No, I don't do it to be annoying, and I don't fit the mold of the PETA zealot, organic loving veganista. In addition I don't condone any white person sporting dreadlocks.
-I'm also not a jackbooted feminist. Yes, I support women's rights and am intensely proud to be a woman, but feminist has just always been kind of a four-letter word for me.
-Two of my favorite people in the world (besides my friends and family, yes, yes, I love you all too) would have to be Henry Rollins and Barney Frank.
-I'm sorry if you get bored with the layouts that I keep for ages, but I don't place much emphasis on re-working my MySpace every few weeks. There are worthier activities that accomplish the same purpose; squandering time.
-I am currently in a long-distance, bipartisan relationship and have never been happier.
-I am one jealous bitch
-People talk about being young at heart, but for all intents and purposes I am young, and have always felt that I'm a cantankerous old man at heart
-I would love to be a history buff, I really would, but it takes the kind of commitment that I've often wanted. However, I am somewhat of a Tudor England-buff. Yeah, I'm such a poser and a sellout because I didn't like them before they were cool, but I take a keen interest in the period nonetheless.
-I absolutely abhor the Twilight series. And yes, I feel completely justified in hating it having never read it. To me, it represents everything that is wrong with everyone, and with my contemporaries
-Rule of thumb: I don't meet anyone I know exclusively on MySpace in real life. NO exceptions.
-Come talk to me! I'm not so bad.

Things you'll never hear me say/type
-"I am myself, you can never change that. I am unique." BULLSHIT! I for one have no patience for this. a.) Yes, everyone is just dying to change who you are. b.) If you really were such an indivudual, you'd be able to express it in ways other than saying "blah blah blah, I'm me, I'm not emo...". The simple fact that you say it does not make it true. Not only that but it seems like everyone who says this checks nearly every attribute of whatever sterotype or subculture they're trying to defy. That's probably why they feel the need to say it.
-"pc4pc" Yes, I will quite frequently ask for picture comments, and promise said comments in return. But (and you can quote me on this) I will NEVER say 'pc4pc'.
-I won't do cute little abreviations like 'idk' or 'pic' or 'bby', unless it's done tongue-in-cheek.
-I find the work 'random' incredibly irksome.
-Anything of or pertaining to the phrase 'I'm bringing sexy back'. You kids just seem to eat that up, don't you?
-"______ rox my sox." Does this even require an explanation? Ok, here's one--it's annoying as fuck!
-The following words will not be uttered by me: 'Fool', 'fag', 'queer', 'retard', etc. P'tahk however, is acceptable.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet someone who's well-read, well-spoken, or has interests similar to my own. If you've got all three, you're OK in my book. Not only that, you probably have a full-color page. I'd also love to meet Henry Rollins--just about my favorite person ever. Oh! And I want to meet someone who likes the brown Tootsie-roll pops. That person's gotta be special in one way or another.

Need someone to talk to, eat with, or just want some company? Come see me! Don't want comany? You'll probably like me--people who don't like people tend to.

My Blog

Top Ten Favorite Things at This Moment-11/30/08

1. Collin James Hayward (yes, I'm disgusting)2. The Secret Life of Bees 3. Ms. Galvin, for making The Secret Life of Bees required book-group reading4. Credo Mobile's amazing long-distance plan5. Weed...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Nov 2008 02:02:00 GMT

Top Ten Favorite Things at This Moment-5/25/08

You'll find some parallels between this list and my last, but still there is some new material in circulation. 1. The Russian Reversal (I'll refrain from giving an example) 2. Trainspotting 3. The Coe...
Posted by on Sun, 25 May 2008 20:54:00 GMT

Top Ten Favorite Things at This Moment-3/25/08

The ten things that have occupied the most time in my mind lately. In no particular order 1. Dexter 2. Michael C. Hall 3. Modest Mouse (Isaac Brock in particular) 4. The Russian language (this include...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 15:41:00 GMT

Trekkie--NOT sci-fi fan

Alright, I'd just like to clear the air about something that's been bothering me for a while now, and that is my Star Trek fanaticism. Alright, maybe my level of Trekkie-dom is a little past what most...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:59:00 GMT

A year in ME

Alright everyone, it's the new year, and what better way to celebrate than.....LISTS! And you know there are few things I love more than some well-chosen top-ten lists. Let's take a look back on what ...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 22:07:00 GMT

A concert filled weekend

Well this has been a wild-ass weekend, hasn't it? Two days in a row I went to two different concerts! I am one lucky woman. The first of the two: An Escape the Fate concert at the Launchpad (there we...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 12:26:00 GMT