Tic-Tac-Scare Prank
I want a guy that'll love me for me. Know when im sad and cheer me up. Hug me from behind when he sees me. Let me cry on his shoulder. Kiss me outta the blue. Hold me tight and never let go. Kiss me in front of his friends. Hang out with me whenever he can. Bring me chicken soup when im sick. Call me every night before I go to bed to wish me sweet dreams. Call me every morning to wake me up. Sing to me no matter how bad it is. Give me his jacket not wait for me to ask. Warm me up when im cold. Tell me he loves me and actually mean it. Won't lie to me. Someone who will take me places because he wants to not because he feels like he has to. Someone who'll back me up in a fight. Someone who when I come up to him with tears streamin down my face look at me and say 'who's ass am i kickin today baby?'. Won't ignore me when he's around his friends. Remind me how much he loves me. When we're walking next to each other grab my hand. But most of all I want someone who won't break my heart and will be my best friend..